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Everything posted by Wasim60557445

  1. Sure .at the moment everything is like this .see photo but i prefer to look at this like a human beings see things. So the building should be on the ground not in the sky. Hope this helps explain my question
  2. Hi so im thinking of upgrading my stock eyepiece without breaking the bank. Are these any good https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/283542615929? Or https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/392248347395 Or third one
  3. who in the right mind would waste their money on a telescope that expensive,its beyond imagination.
  4. I don't understand what makes some telescopes so expensive because at the end of the day they are all the same they all just a tube with the mirror in it. The only thing that makes them expensive is the eyepiece
  5. yeah mate il try that method if the scope doesnt work as i been calibrating the scope all day today. and think of upgrading. why do i need a high power eyepiece like a BST starguider 12 to 15mm? i mean i noticed my eye piece (25mm) has a tiny viewing hole and my eye lashes blurs the image. i think my eye piece should have a bigger viewer.
  6. the one u mentioned is 289 mine is 135 brand new which i got for 80 from ebay ,so bit of a big jump in price mate so my next one is gonna be those small ones which moves electronically if i keep this hobby up. i hate this big ones they look awful.
  7. hi i have purchased a 114/900 nat geo telescope and the find on it is useless so when i did manage to find the moon only the 25mm lens was working the other ones i could hardly see anything. the find scope is rubbish
  8. Wasim60557445


    hi im wasim and i got a 114/900 nat geo telescope i can only see the moon thru the 25mm lens i cant see anything from the other lens any tips#?
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