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Everything posted by AliP80

  1. Hi everyone! Firstly, thank you SO much for all your helpful replies, it's a mind field out there, and getting this stuff first hand from people who really know they're stuff and care about it is invaluable! Secondly, apologies for the radio silence the last few weeks, it's all a bit crazy out there isn't it. Saying that it's also the perfect time to get into astronomy! Anyway I thought you might like to know I caved and bought the Bresser 8'' with a Plossl 1'24 25mm eyepiece. My husband finally got it set up the other night. So... we have spent quite a lot of time trying to get a decent image... and we have some questions. First of all - its only possible to get an image which appears focused with your eye about 4" from the eyepiece (the focusing mechanism on the Bresser seems ok - is moving in and out ok!). Secondly when you get to a sharp image - it is only about 20% of the size of the eyepiece - so TINY. We have read about exit pupil size, but it seems a bit weird and we're not getting any notable magnification. I've told my husband he's a moron, but that's not helping! Photo of the image we are getting attached! Any help appreciated!
  2. Another vote for the Bresser, thank you! I'm seriously considering it now reading all these.
  3. Ahhh damnit! Now you've got me thinking I should buy the Bresser! Haha...hadn't even considered it! I've not stumbled across it in any of the reviews I've been reading on various sites. I have a feeling my budget is going to keep going up! Lol. This is a great suggestion, thank you!
  4. Wow guys thank you so much for all your help! I'm definitely leaning towards the dobsonian, but good call on the Bressier, I hadn't considered that. Tbh I was originally thinking a £200 budget so already going over on the Skywatcher dob! But maybe I can be swayed...as you say, you get what you pay for! I have a couple of other questions, how easy is it to set up? I've read that is needs collimating (forgive my ignorance but I've no idea what that is, I'm super new to all this lingo!)...? Also, is it worth getting a barlow lens (or other), and a filter for the moon glare? I've read in certain reviews that it's worthwhile getting those things as well...
  5. Hi there all. I know this is asked a lot but I'm a bit overwhelmed with all the information and advice out there about which is the best telescope to buy as a beginner. I literally have no idea! My husband is very interested and I want to get him something special for his 40th birthday. We live out in the country, so no light pollution and lots of storage. He also isn't shy of complicated technical stuff! I'm leaning towards this https://www.cameracentreuk.com/skywatcher-explorer-130m-eq2-motorised-newtonian-reflector-telescope?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIzKHMysuN6AIVSkHTCh3MxgUNEAkYASABEgJGIPD_BwE or this https://www.firstlightoptics.com/beginner-telescopes/skywatcher-skyliner-200p-dobsonian.html. The latter seems really big though but from what I can tell it's a real classic, easy to use and gets great results?! He'd like to see the moon, planets, galaxies/star clusters and deep sky objects (I imagine!). Any recommendations gratefully received, and if I'm missing a trick somewhere please let me know!
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