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Everything posted by ChrisIS

  1. Have tried it with a canon 300mm f2.8 works great, and a canon 600mm f4 iii it's struggling to draw enough power, so I need to try plugging in both USB's.
  2. Stellarmate, I'm not a programmer, it was so much easier than I was expecting. I've been using Kstars/EKOS for a while so I didn't need to learn the software. But it was literally 30 mins to set the Pi up following the tutorials online. Sure it costs more than Astroberry, but it was so simple and it works.
  3. Ok I need to try and sort my stars out, especially the smaller ones are elongated. I'm using an Atik one 9.0 camera, and both photos were using a tuned EQ6-GT mount. The Elephant Trunk was taken with a 300mm Canon lens, 1.4 converter, using 20x5min Ha, OIII, SI, a skywatcher 50ED guidescope and SX Lodestar guide camera. This one used KStars Guider. The cocoon nebula was an 8" Edge HD with a 0.67 reducer at 1340mm with 5min This was using an OAG and Atik GP guide camera 5 min HA & Lum, 3 Min RGB. This one used PHD2. Frames from different filters seem to have the similar star elongation, Guiding for both seemed to be pretty good. Any suggestion for troubleshooting the problem. On the basis I switched most of the kit between the 2 photos, I'm assuming it's either mount to camera related, but where to go from there I'm not sure. Thanks in advance Chris
  4. Even then it wasn't the right driver, my solution to the camera the manufacturer advertises as compatible, by a raspberry Pi and run it using the PI as a server. It's actually a really neat solution. Pi via ethernet and I can image from my Mac laptop over wifi from anywhere.
  5. Thanks I wasn't even getting a tab appear. I found a solution that appears to work if I selected FireFly MV the camera seems to work.
  6. Thanks If by the detection process you mean when you hit the play button to connect, then nothing. How do I change the baud rate?
  7. Unfortunately I can't get as far as selecting the camera as a Guide Cam, it's not recognising the camera at all.
  8. That seems somewhat unclear. There are things that say it's supported under the Atik driver, and suggestions that it's a rebranded Point Grey Chameleon, but what Indi Driver I'm supposed to use for that I have no idea. Indigo registers it with an IIDC driver. Unfortunately using a mix of Indi and Indigo services is beyond my technical capability without some good instructions anyway.
  9. Doesn't appear to, but as I have an Atik main camera and Atik guide camera, the main camera seems to get loaded as the guide camera too.
  10. Hi Does anyone know how to get an Atik GP working as a guide cam on a Mac using KStars. I can't seem to get it working under Indi, maybe I'm not picking the right option with Atik CCD, and I can't get Indigo to talk to Kstars whilst keeping the Mount control etc (I can only get the camera). I'm sure there must be a way, but there is so little I can find on how to do it. Thanks in advance Chris
  11. Hi Does anyone know how to get an Atik GP working as a guide cam on a Mac using KStars. I can't seem to get it working under Indi, maybe I'm not picking the right option with Atik CCD, and I can't get Indigo to talk to Kstars whilst keeping the Mount control etc (I can only get the camera). I'm sure there must be a way, but there is so little I can find on how to do it. Thanks in advance Chris
  12. I need some Telescope advice please. May as well think about it while I can't go out. So I have an Eq6-gt mount, and I have used with camera lenses mainly up to a 600mm f4 (which is 150mm in telescope terminology and high quality glass) there is much debate if scopes of the same focal length are better, but the evidence seems to suggest there isn't much in it. So no point getting something in a similar or shorter focal length, my camera lenses do other things during the day so are here to stay. I can add a 1.4x converter to make it a 840mm without much loss of imaging quality and a 2x to make it 1200mm f8 but at that point it does start to struggle a bit to stay sharp. Galaxies this spring make me think I do need something with a longer focal length as an option. I want something for imaging only with an Asto modified 5d mkii so a full frame sensor which I either need to consider, or get a astro camera that will deal with a scope with a smaller imaging circle. I don't mind paying for something decent, it's a real waste having to upgrade, learnt that with lenses and they make equivalent telescopes look cheap. I've read lots, and haven't really narrowed it down. I remember the immense frustration of getting everything I have to work together and I don't currently need to worry about mysteries like back focus, collimation etc I just plug it all together having cobbled together the right spacers and scope rings to deal with a lens, then shout at the software until it all plays nicely. I've included an example of where I am on my journey so far. I
  13. Thanks, The camera would connect fine in KStars, so I don’t think it’s a USB issue.
  14. Hi I upgraded to Mac OS Catalina and the 64 bit version of Nebulosity. All working fine on 9 Dec with my astromodified Canon 5d mkii. Then 2 nights ago I couldn’t get it to connect at all. Got and error unable to open session 2 then can connect to Canon EOS. Anyone else having similar problem, or if it’s just me able to suggest a solution?
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