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Posts posted by Kaffeedor

  1. 15 hours ago, Carl Reade said:

    Hi there are quite a few options on eBay at that price. Wideband LNAs with a bias tee circuit or screw terminals for power. Why do you think yo destroyed your current one?



    I now ordered the (more expensive than eBay ones), 'Nooelec SAWbird+ H1 Barebones', as it has a Micro USB port as power connection. Should arrive on Monday

    I wanted to resolder the '+' connection on the old one but then the 'Plate' were the connection was on the LNA got of and now there is no connection between '+' and anything other in the LNA. Also one of SMA connections is tilted slightly


    How young is the youngest person you know of who build a Radio Telescope?

    Do you know good books/magazine related to Radio Astronomy? 




  2. On 16/01/2020 at 01:01, Carl Reade said:

    It will work fine. I think what UR is saying is the plate on the feed is a reflector which it is but not the main reflector.

    Copper will need sprayed with a coating to protect it from the weather. Keep us updated on the build.👍

    So now, two months later, I still haven't made first light. Software (I use Cotos VIRGO) is ready, feed is beside LNA done and I think I have a place to put it now.

    My problem now is, I think I have destroyed my LNA... 

    Does anyone here know a good and cheap(<30€) LNA that I has a USB plug onboard!! and doesn't need to be soldered anywhere? 

    Thank you all,


  3. On 12/01/2020 at 10:19, UR8IP said:

    You should not install such expensive metal as a reflector. Copper is corroded. You can successfully apply a grid with a small cell. But in any case, you will need a device to adjust the irradiator.

    @UR8IP Wdym? 

    It is the feed, not the "Reflector" /dish?! 

    And it wasn't that expensive. 

    And for the Original question, I asked, I managed to bend it 90° with professional help, so this shouldn't be a Problem. 

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