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Everything posted by ChrisMseeker

  1. Despite the cold (and possible rainshower while I was watching the footie) , followed by heavy dew turning to ice, I had a go at seeing SN 2021J. Finding NGC 4414 across from Cor Caroli (alpha Canum Venaticorum) was not too difficult. 4414 has a fairly bright core and I must confess that although I thought - maybe - with averted vision I could see the SN in question just fractionally (relatively) to the south and west of the centre - I can't honestly say for sure. So mixed bag really. Still a good exercise and an opportunity for me to make a rare post about not very much (and show off my knowledge of Latin plural genitives!😇) Still waiting to nail my second SN for sure.
  2. night vision headtorch

  3. Hi Thanks for your reply petek314. It seems some motors whirr more than others (maybe the tightness of the internal clutch?). Maybe with tracking off it disconnetcs. I think we should be in the forum for this - not the blog - but thanks for your comments- you sound a very responsible neighbour!!
  4. Hi All My first entry! Just acquired a 12"/ 305mm skywatcher flextube with sysnscan AZ goto. Not even got to first light yet as checking out and reading manuals/ testing etc (I'm a good boy!!). One big query/ concern though: even when power is off (and I haven't set up the synscan yet - at least not attached to motor drive - only played with it 'off-line' in stand alone mode) when I manually push the tube for fast slew (alt or az) I hear the sound of the gears/ motors and there is resistance. In a video demo I saw the motion appeared to be more fluid (faster and no motor grinding sound). Is the motor somehow locked or is it maybe because the tube has not been 'parked' with the synscan (don 't know useage activity history of previous owner). Shouldn't I be able to push the tube around freely independent of the motor being engaged? I am reluctant to push at all at the moment for fear I'm going to bust the gearing! Can anyone with a sysnscan goto and dob clarify/ help?
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