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Posts posted by midatlantic61

  1. Thanks for the answers.

    The Vixen LVW has two problems:
    - there isn't any for sale anywhere, and I've been looking for a while now, who has the luck to own one won't sell it.
    - it's very close to the Morpheus 17.5 with TrueFOV 1.19deg to 1.11 and 54x Mag to 69x

    The Nagler 4/22 is a whole different story, TFOV 1.49deg, that's right in the middle between the Aspheric and the Morpheus 17.5, but this one is clearly outside of what I'm able to spend on a single eyepiece.
    Doesn't seem to show up often second hand either...

    The AF/FMC 22/70 looks interesting, its TFOV of 1.29deg is much closer to the 1.3 of the ES24/68. I'll have a closer look at that one.

    The ES24/68 remains the only one with the mathematically right exit pupil.

  2. I have a gap to fill between my Baader aspheric 31, (giving slightly too much exit pupil for my 58 year old eyes (5.25) as it produces a quite bright image) and the next one up, the Morpheus 17.5.
    I'm looking for some 4.0 exit pupil which would be something around 24mm/68.
    It needs to be Dioptrx compatible, like the ES 24/68 or the 24mm Hyperion. The latter isn't good at F6 and the first seems to have an eye relief just at the limit.
    I've been searching a lot on SGL and on CN and it seems that a wide angle 24 mm eyepiece with really sufficient eye relief to mount a Dioptrx still needs to be designed.

    I was wondering if any of the eyepiece market insiders has any idea if Baader could be working on some extension to the Morpheus line, like 22-26 mm.

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