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Everything posted by Squirrely82

  1. Ok I think I’ve found an ideal spot and only a few miles away. Tomorrow night weather wise is perfect... but will the moon spoil my dark spot? I know if I look at the moon it will affect my dark adapted eyes, but if I face away from it will it affect what I’m able to view through my scope?
  2. Great music advice thanks, Yeah I was thinking Dallas looks good too, I’m going to have a look around there for somewhere, I’ve got the week off work this week so I’ll have time to scout about. I have been looking at telescopes for a future upgrade, but for now this scope will have to do, I am thinking of going along to my local astronomy group(mentioned above). I noticed they have an open night for the public next month to see and look at their scopes and though that would be a good way to see the difference between the different ones and then could decide which scopes I like
  3. Thanks joe, yeah buying a bit of land would be ideal! But unfortunately barring a lotto win that won’t b happening for an extremely long time, maybe once the kids have all moved out haha
  4. Thanks everyone for your reply’s, I will see how I get on finding a suitable place
  5. Hello everyone, I’m new to astronomy and have been slowly learning the last month or so and using my telescope and binoculars in my back garden I’ve managed to see andromeda, Pleiades and one of Jupiter’s moons(not sure which one). I have a beginners telescope (Bresser Skylux 70/700 refractor with a 20mm lens and a 12mm lens and a 2 x Barlow) I now feel my next step is to go out to a suitable ark site to truly see a difference without any light pollution. I’m from the north east of Scotland and my house is on the very edge of town facing away from the town centre, going by the light pollution site I think the bortle rating is class 4. I’ve been looking at site around that look like class 2 (Going by the light pollution site) even some that look like class 1. The problem I see is that they all seen to be in farmers fields or just empty fields. Obviously I wouldn’t enter a field with animals or crops! But do I need permission to enter the empty ones?. How does everyone find their dark sites? Also am I likely to see much DSO with my limited scope? Thanks for your time Jon
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