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  1. Sorry for a delay in posting a reply. Life and all. But it is good to see where the thread has gone and it is all positive!. I was not clear in stating OSC I was referring to CMOS cooled. That is what I own and I have never used a modified camera OSC. I also shoot narrow band with CMOS cooled an the results are really good. Due to monsoons I have been unable to image for 2-3 months but tonight I might be able to get some time in. Fingers crossed. For me, with a demanding job and loads of travel (with no possibility of an observatory due to HOA rules) I have not done the mono route. Now, if I was home every night and had every night of the week as an option I might rethink. But simplification of my setup to provide acceptable results is what I am looking for in this hobby. And everyone can make the hobby what they like and determine for their needs. If someone wants to go all science-y by all means go for it. But with my situation, there is a law of diminishing returns to get every little whisp of dust. I usually spend a minimum of 7 hours on a subject with my 367C. Mostly 10-12. So I get plenty of detail. And I have zero desire for IOTW or any of that stuff. Mono provides the utmost detail if you have the time for both imaging and processing....as well as the sky for it. I only have the latter.
  2. I assume you shoot RGBL? So you are saying you only do 1.25MN subs? Because I do 3-5MN on my camera for color frames. Different CMOS sensors have different sensitivity as well so they are all not the same.
  3. I use OSC for a few reasons: 1. I am time limited. I don't have the time to put 30-40 hours into one subject. 10-15 yes. 2. CMOS is what the future is going to be. CCD is a dying technology. So I went that way rather than have to switch things up later. There are mono CMOS I believe too. 3. I am willing to sacrifice a little bit of 'quality' for the simplification and time savings 4. I use the QHY367 on my fsq106 and it fits the image circle great. Not many CCD, if any, would economically do that like the 367. 5. I do Hubble with this camera and they look very good. If I were retired and had all the time in the world, or had a job where I was home every night, I might do the mono. But the image quality with this camera is very good so I don't see the need to worry about mono at the present time.
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