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Everything posted by Steve1984

  1. Hi Terrierist, Did you ever get to the bottom of your seagull stars issue? I am having the same issue with my 8" Newtonian and can't seem to get to the bottom of it. I have collimated the hell out of it and still can't seem to resolve the issue. My seagulls originated after I had taken the primary mirror out to center spot it and it's been there ever since. Would love to here how you resolved your issue. Many thanks, Steve
  2. Thank you for all your replies. I feel you are right Adam, tired and tested could be the way forward and with this being my first astro-cam, getting the ZWO would likely mean it will be easier to find advice and help with it when I get stuck! Thank you for the info on Altair's 294 Bobinius. Yes it was Sharpcap Pro I was taking about. The case does seem nice and would be useful to me for securely storing the camera when not in use/travelling. So after all that, I think I have settled on the ZWO ASI294MC again! Thank you all.
  3. That's a great point! I didn't even notice that! What about the 'heated optical window' the Altair offers? Have you had any issues with the cooling on the ZWO having any adverse effects that might require this? Thanks, Steve
  4. Hi David, You are probably right about the power cable and sharpcap! From what I understand the 4gb memory is used to aid data transfer reliability but most of what I have read leads me to believe the 'standard' 256mb that comes with ZWO's PRO cameras is sufficient for most applications. So ruling out the extra's the hypercam comes with and the memory buffer difference, I guess it really comes down to whether there is a difference in the two cameras overall performance. Thanks for the response, Steve
  5. Hi all, After spending the last month or so trawling the internet for reviews and information on which ZWO camera I should purchase, I thought I had settled on the ZWO ASI294MC pro cooled camera. That was until I looked at Altair Astro’s Hypercam 294C Pro TEC. Now I am split between the two! Despite searching high and low for user reviews for the Hypercam 294c I have only found one (on CloudyNights) and yet there as so many for ZWO’s 294. Does anyone have any experience with the Hypercam 294c camera that wouldn’t mind giving me an honest idea of how it performs and if they are able to, a comparison to the ZWO equivalent please? I am leaning towards the Hypercam at the moment as for only £25 more it offers the 4GB memory buffer, ‘practically zero amp glow’, free armoured case, 12V power supply cable and a year free sharpcap pro subscription. My concern is, with all these extras, are they compensating for something else? If not, then why is it most go for the ZWO brand with this sensor? Many thanks in advance, Steve (My current setup: SW Evostar 80ED, SW HEQ6, Canon 650d. Controlled through APT)
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