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Space admirer

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Everything posted by Space admirer

  1. Demonperformer- oooh okay, i think that is the problem. I started viewing the sky without aligning the finderscope or collimating the scope. I will do both of those things, and hopefully it will work. Thank you very much for everyone's advice!
  2. So what i am seeing is the secondary mirror? Demonperformer- yes, I meant the magnifications. When you said something went wrong with the collimation of the scope, you mean aligning the finderscope right? I was not sure how to do that and I read that to align it, i have to find an object at leat half a mile away during the day but from my house, there is nothing that far away i could use because the trees cover up everything. So i never aligned my finderscope. Could that be the reason i am seeing the secondary mirror? Ruud- I have not used the barlow or the 4 mm eyepieces, only the 20mm, 15mm, and 9mm. I have seen very crisp and detailed images of the moon with all of these magnifications. But for example, last night i tried to find saturn, and when i was very close, i think i kept on seeing the secondary mirror and could not get rid of it. -
  3. Hello, I am writing about a problem I have encountered while using a brand new celestron powerseeker 114eq telescope. I found several stars and the moon with different filters and magnitudes with no problem. However, on my third night outside i attmepted to find a planet, but I saw a black line through the telescope instead. I could still see the moon through every magnitude I used but once I moved the telescope above the moon, the black line appeared every time. It seemed like it was reflecting the black circle with the stick that's inside of the optical tube. I have read online that it may be because my telescope was not focused so I would have to focus it until it disappeared but nothing works. I'm guessing the problem is with something about the adjustments that I'm doing wrong or something that is not aligned correctly, and not the telescope itself. Otherwise, I probably wouldn't have seen the moon. When I tried to focus it, the black parts would get closer or farther away and would not disappear unless i moved the telescope a significant amount from where it was at. What can I do to stop seeing the black parts?
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