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Everything posted by TonyA

  1. Only 2 years behind the news, but I was searching for some info on a slow motion drive I bought from SCS Astro many years ago, and ended up here. My parents retired to a rest home just up the road from SCS Astro in Wellington, so I went into the shop regularly. I also met Kieron and Anne at astro functions including the UK Eclipse trip on a boat in the English Channel. Myself and my wife even went for tea and cake at his house just outside Wellington. Such a loss to the community - gone to join Patrick Moore and other well loved astronomers. Much missed. Tony
  2. I have just bought a second hand iOptron MiniTower mount which is suffering from the same week rollover problem. They have advised me to enter the date manually after the GPS has updated, or buy a new GPS module which I consider unacceptable even at half price of $50 plus import duty etc. I tried a cheap Chinese U-Blox GPS module which should be OK for the rollover problem, but the mount doesn't recognise it - perhaps the iOptron module has custom software. Having found this is a generic problem, I emailed iOptron again to see if they can release a software patch for the controller to get round the problem. They have just emailed me back to say no. For now I will keep resetting the date after the initial GPS setting of it. Tony
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