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LR Watanabe

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Posts posted by LR Watanabe

  1. Is the Nikon Nikkor 55-200mm f/3.5-5.6 II a good lens for astrophotography? I plan on using the Nikon D5300 with it and I wanted to know if the 55-200 would be a good lens for photographing DSOs. Does anyone use this lens and if so, may I see some images taken with it? I can't seem to find images on Astrobin. Also, is it possible to photograph DSOs (M42, Rosette, Flaming star, M45 etc.) from a bortle 7 sky with the 55-200mm?

    Clear skies,


  2. Soooo....

    Since you guys are really smashing the praise button on the Canon EOS 6D, I might as well get the 6D as it is relatively new compared to the 5D Mark II.

    But then the thing is, I really can't find someone who sells a second hand Canon EOS 6D at a price of <450$ (45,000 Yens). Could someone give me a link of someone selling a used 6D at the aforementioned price? It means a lot to me if you do, as my brain is already starting to hurt from all the back and forth i've been doing between AP gear.


    Clear skies,


  3. I’m looking to do Milky Way Astrophotography, and I’m hesitating on whether I purchase the Full Frame camera that is the 5D Mark II or the APS-C EOS 600D.

    I plan on using the Rokinon/Samyang 14mm F/2.8 wide angle lens, although I’m open to suggestions so long as said suggested lens is under 500$.

    The mount I use will be the iOptron SkyGuider Pro with the counter weight supplies in the set.

    If there is an alternative to the cameras listed above that goes for less then 400$, I’m willing to hear it.


    Thanks a bundle,


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