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  1. Hoping someone can advise me because iOptron Support is struggling to do so. I configured my ASIAir app to treat meridian flip, conservatively, as follows: Stop tracking 5 min before Meridian Do AMF 5 min after Meridian So far, so good. Wrt meridian treatment ZWO has the following warning: To ensure ASIAIR keeps control of the automatic meridian flip sequence, ensure your mount (hand controller) does not have meridian treatment parameters set that would trigger prior to ASIAIR's automatic meridian flip completing. The Go2Nova software associated with the iOptron CEM26 handcontroller has the following two settings associated with meridian treatment: Set Position Limit: xx degrees passed (their typo, not mine) meridian Set Behavior: Stop at Pos Limit or Flip at Pos Limit My question is, what Go2Nova settings should I use for Set Position Limit and Set Behavior to satisfy the ZWO warning and the ASIAir settings I've used for meridian flip? Thanks in advance.
  2. Hi. Wondering if the iOptron 5.5" or 8" mini pier is something I should consider for my CEM26 mount. Has anyone experienced tripod crashes that would have been avoided had one of these piers been installed? Does adding one of these piers decrease the stability of the CEM26 tripod? Thanks
  3. Thanks for the detailed response and the general procedure using the ASIAIR software. Is there a ASIAIR software alignment procedure that can be used when you don't have a clear view of Polaris (something akin to the BrighStar alignment method described in the CEM26 manual)?
  4. As a complete newbie to astrophotography and, for that matter, to any equatorial mount let alone the CEM26 let me state that this forum has thus far been a real help. My current challenge is with Polar alignment using AccuAlign. Perhaps important to mention that I will be using an Air+ controller. If someone could please help step me through the process of polar alignment, starting with the initial positioning of the tripod and scope (an AT72EDII, not that that matters) I would be very thankful. Here are some specific questions I have: 1) Does Zero Position simply mean that the tripod head is approximately level and that the RA axle is locked in the Zero (and not East or West) position using the RA gear switch (and NOT the allen wrench)? Anything else? 2) When performing Polar Alignment using AccuAlign should the RA gear switch be locked? How about the DEC gear switch? Should the allen wrench in the locking the RA hole or should it be in its storage hole? 3) Step 4 of the polar alignment process given in the manual (page 20 of my copy) says to adjust the polar scope dial to rotate one of the major ticks at the top. When I turn the dial at the bottom of the polar scope the only thing that appears to do is to focus the reticle and not rotate it. What am I doing wrong? 4) There is very limited AZ travel allowed using the 2 azimuth adjustment screws. If the azi adjustment I need to make for polar alignment is beyond this restricted travel am I correct in thinking that I need to rotate my tripod accordingly? 5) During initial assembly the instructions had me use the latitude adjustment procedure to match my current latitude. During polar alignment this initial latitude adjustment is changed to put Polaris onto the polar scope reticle based on the information obtained from the Hand Controller. Is the initial latitude setting, that is changed during polar alignment, simply done to prepare for scope balancing? 6) How is Figure 23a (which is the Polaris position shown on the hand controller) to be interpreted in their example? I know I'm asking a lot here, knowing so little about eq mounts, so an advanced thanks for anyone that can help clear my fog
  5. Hi All. Just bought this mount and have an AsiAir Plus controller on order. Wondering if anyone has used the Air+ controller on this mount and, if so, how they connected it. Do you have to (or should you) connect via the Go2Nova hand unit? Thanks
  6. I believe the 10mm has 7mm ER and the 25mm has 17.5mm ER
  7. Hi Nebula. I can't say for sure but I think it is likely that this would work. The only problem, if it does work, is that you will eventually have to purchase the license for Windows.
  8. My environment: running Mac OS X Mojave on a MacBook Pro (13-inch, 2017, Two Thunderbolt 3 ports). Your experience may vary. 1) Within Mac OS I installed Parallels Desktop Lite which has a free 15-day trial and includes Windows 10 2) In Windows OS I downloaded the HC and MC loaders and firmware files into a Synscan folder. 3) Since my laptop only has USB C ports I used my USB C hub adapter (see link) to provide two USB 3 ports https://zerolemon.com/products/imempro-type-c-hub-adapter-for-apple-macbook-pro-2016-2017-shipping-to-us-only 4) I connected a USB to serial adapter with Prolific 2303 chipset (see link) for Windows to the RS-232 cable supplied with my Skywatcher telescope. 5) In Mac OS X I downloaded and installed the PL2303 Chip Driver for Mac OS, rebooted my laptop and, when prompted, indicated that the driver was to be used in Mac OS (not sure what would have happened if I had selected Windows). Anyone? 6) I launched Parallels to the Windows 10 OS and then followed the instructions for installing the HC firmware update. Success #1 7) I used the Synscan to select PC Direct Mode in the Utilities menu. ? From Windows 10 OS I launched the MC firmware loader. Success #2. Easy peazy, sort of.
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