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Posts posted by jjohnson3803

  1. Maybe it's blasphemy, but have you considered a monocular?  If there are weight / size / portability requirements, a monocular can solve some of that.  Also, some people report having trouble merging images so they wind up using only one barrel of binos anyway. But if your wife says "Binos", best to listen to her wishes.  😉


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  2. Somewhat related, I have an ST120, bought an 102ED last spring, and just bought an 72ED because the 102ED is more than my AZ5 or ScopeTech Zero mounts can handle.  There's much more vibration on focusing that I care for.  The ST120 is a bit less shaky with a new 2-speed Crayford, but still isn't ideal IMO.  I'm wondering if an achro 90mm or 102mm would be worth considering.

    Anyway, the EDs seem to  be much more bulky and heavy (yes, I read the specs before ordering) than I expected, so I'd advise careful consideration of mount capacity.


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  3. I use a hard plastic case similar to Second Time's.  They come in various sizes and are pretty inexpensive.  I found that pluck foam comes apart in time, so I replaced it with leftover medium density packing foam sheets that I stacked to fit the case depth and then cut holes for vertical EP storage.  Cheap and easy if you don't mind futzing a bit with the foam.

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  4. Looked for R Leonis before dawn today with my quick-look 50mm refractor.  I wasn't sure where it was in its cycle, but I figured it would be a win if I could at least identify the field.

    I was able to identify the field but I'm in heavy light pollution so a lot of comparison stars were invisible.  And sure enough, R is down there - AAVSO lightcurve lists the latest observation as magnitude +9.6, which is a stretch for me at home with even my larger fracs.

    But I still consider it a successful, though brief, session



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  5. 17 minutes ago, Stephenstargazer said:

    @Ivan sorry for belated reply! you are not alone I still run an analogue Watec 910 into a 7" video monitor on the mount. Use a flip mirror for parfocal visual.

    I keep on looking at higher tech alternatives, but each time I opt for simplicity over performance. No desire to dive into imaging, so live in hope of a cmos based viewer. Probably going to be on a phone or tablet I suspect - yes I have sen the Asiair of course.

    Is there an equivalent current version of that camera?  I took a look at the Watec site, but it gives a "not found" when searching for a 910, so I assume it's been discontinued.

  6. Anybody else find the official Artemis realtime tracker NASA Tracker to be clumsy?  Maybe it's me or my browser or my net connection, but I'm finding the site to be slow, clunky, and non-intuitive.  The dashboard showing speed and position is great, but the graphical display is less than what I'd expect for a premiere mission.  I'm not convinced the graphics are even correctly showing the position, but again it could just be me.

    Anybody know of a (near) realtime tracker that just shows a projected path and the current location, like the old Apollo tracks, and loads like a normal web page?

    Apologies, but I'd really expect NASA to do better.

    Opposing opinions and edification are most welcome.





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