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Posts posted by jjohnson3803

  1. I recently sold my AT102ED f7 (looks like a Starfield twin).  It gave very crisp views and was a nice aperture, but it was too big and bulky for my tastes.  Also, it did not do that well on my SkyWatcher AZ5.  It was ok, but was a bit beyond the limits of "good" IMO for the wiggles / damping time.  Others might have had better experiences with that combo, I don't know.

    I do love my AT72ED.  Maybe a little small in aperture for really faint fuzzies, but it's become my most used scope.

    And having said that, I think I'm going to sell my ST120 achro and get a ST102 achro for a little bigger cheap grab-n-go than my ST80.

    If by chance a female companion questions the purchase / sale of multiple scopes, compare them to women's shoes - you need to buy and try  *many* styles and designers before you find ones you really love. 




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  2. 4 hours ago, Mike Q said:

    I wish we had skies like that here in Ohio.  It is very hazy right now.  

    Northern Illinois skies are milky white and not from light pollution.  With the annual burning of the western US and Canada, the mosquitoes that are coming soon, and the short nights, I'm thinking maybe summer is best spent in a swimming pool with a Cerveza Sol.  🤔

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  3. When the windchill here gets down to -10*F (-23*C), I do observe through glass.  Star clusters and doubles aren't pristine, but they don't look completely horrible.  The moon is less tolerant of extra glass between the objective and the sky.

    IIRC, a research observatory (University of Michigan?) tried observing through optical grade Mylar and the results were decent.  No idea of the cost or if the stuff is even manufactured anymore.

  4. I bought a 72ED last winter and have just started observing doubles with it.  It seems to be quite capable with very crisp views. 

    However, I confess I have yet to resolve Epsilon Lyrae1 and Epsilon Lyrae2 with it.  Not sure if that's partly due to the horrible LP I live in, seeing, or if I just haven't cranked up the magnification enough - my shortest EP is a 4mm and the scope fl is about 430mm.

    I have to say the 72ED blows away my ST80 achro for sharpness and color on other doubles.


  5. Rukl

    Charles Wood (although it does have a rather large errata section)

    Atlas of the Lunar Terminator (Out of print, but I found a used copy in excellent condition)

    Clementine Atlas of the Moon (The best IMO - lunar orbiter pics on one page, labeled photo map on the facing page, 144 charts)


  6. I'm considering ordering an AZ-GTi and although I really like the phone app (as least what I can do without an actual mount to connect to), I'm wondering about the hand controller.  I see it listed on multiple dealer sites, but it all of them show it as OOS / More coming / Etc.

    Anybody know the story?  Usual supply chain issues or ???  



  7. I use a CI diagonal, so I prefer a correct/bino view, but I've found the Moon Chart app on my iPhone to be good and I recently installed Moon Maps, which I think will be really good scopeside.

    As mentioned, the Virtual Atlas is good and I found a copy of "Atlas of the Lunar Terminator" which has extensive day-by-day views.  "ALT"  is out of print though and the clarity of the photos is not quite up to current standards.

    I have a "S&T"  laminated map, but I haven't used it much.

  8. I've used SkySafari+ for quite awhile.  The only proviso is that the print is quite small on my iPhone SE screen, so coords are hard to read using red screen, etc. (at least with my eyes).  I'm not aware of a way to increase the font size.

    I've recently started experimenting with the free version of Stellarium.  The Stellarium coords are a bit easier for me to see, but in reality I suspect they're the same size font.  I rather like the Stellarium display compared to SS, but that's just personal taste.


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