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Posts posted by Portech7

  1. The thing I'm struggling with is that I have only really used reflectors, but fancy a change as mine are getting a bit worse for wear and fancy something I can get deeper with for small galaxy and clusters. 

    I've been bouncing back and forth with a 102mm F7 refractor but for my price range it's with FPL51, an RC6 but then worry about the focuser as it's not rack and pinion and could slip, or go for a smaller aperture refractor but better glass and focuser. 

    Not sure what's best to be honest. 

  2. Having reflectors for wide field astrophotography, would the Stella Mira 80mm F10 doublet with FPL53 be good for smaller deep sky objects with a hypercam 294C pro? Or is it focused on visual? 

    The telescope/ camera compatibility seams to say its compatible, but anyone using one of these scopes? 



  3. Hi

    I'm thinking of changing from my tired old Astro mod'd Canon 1100d to a designated Astro Cam. 

    I'd like something which can work with both my 200p F5 reflector and my short F5.5 refractor. 

    Got £500 budget, so I've looked at the Altair Astro hypercam 183c pro and the ZWO equivalent. 

    I could get a newer Canon DSLR as very familiar with them now, but I'd like to try something different. 

    Not against used Astro cams either but it would be nice to have something new. 

    Any thoughts on the two mentioned Astro cams please? 



  4. Hi all

    I'm hoping I explain this correctly. 

    I have started using an intervalometer with my canon 1100D.

    I set the intervalometer up as below:

    1) delay: 5 second

    2) exposure time: 1 minute

    3) interval time: 2 second

    4) number of shots: 30

    5) no beep

    6) camera on bulb

    When I press start I hear the shutter open, but don't hear it close until the final shot has been taken. The intervalometer indication light changes from red to green dependent on whether it's taking shot or on interval. 

    I then connect my camera to my laptop via the micro USB. 

    But when I open to look it only shows one image and when I try to open the image it's just a white screen. 

    I know I have all my camera settings correct. 

    I tried the same on only 2 shots and still only get one image. 


    1) should the shutter close and reopen for each shot? 

    2)  is there a reason I am only getting one image

    3) any ideas on the white screen issue? 


    When I use the intervalometer manually set as above but with the shot set to 1 and with me pressing start each time it works fine. 

    Forgot to mention, the exposure countdown can be seen on the camera screen and number of shots counts down on intervalometer. 


  5. Hi all

    Appreciate the comments. 

    My issue is that I really do love my 6" Newt but with DSLR, guide scope with camera etc on its a pain to balance. 

    Once nicely balanced it's fantastic but it is a pain to get it just right. 

    I've pretty much just eliminated the 8" Newts now as they'd be the same as my 6". So a short refractor might be the way to go. 

    I have a Celestron Omni XLT 120mm which I use for planetary imaging but anything towards deep sky and the purple halo is horrendous. 

    I was thinking of something shorter really and that is easier to manage. 

    I have an AZ/EQ5-GT mount which I absolutely love, so I want to get some thing that is shorter, easier to balance and when set up is less than 10kg for imaging as my mounts payload limit is 15kg.

    I have seen a used William Optics ZenithStar 70 ED F/6 Doublet refractor for under £300 which is tempting. 

    Hope this helps. 

  6. Hi All

    After some recommendations or suggestions. 

    I currently image with a 6" F5 reflector and using an Astro mod'd DSLR. 

    Looking at options to upgrade and stuck between 8" Reflectors (few options out there) or  ED refractors (understand they won't be huge or much bigger than 80mm for this budget). 

    I know there's a myriad of scopes out there and understand there is likely longer than usual lead times currently. 

    So really I just want some user/owner suggestions for any scopes in this budget for deep sky imaging. 

    Also, not adverse to used either. 

    Thanks all


  7. It'll be used for both visual and imaging with either a 150p F5 Newt, Omni XLT 120 refractor and  a maksutov and with a DSLR and Astro Cam, so it needs to be a really sturdy allrounder. 

    I kind of like the idea of the AZ gt as it has a good payload and is very adaptable. 


  8. Hi

    Has anyone had any issues with their synscan control board (think that's what it's called) dying suddenly then smelling strongly of burning electronics? 

    The part is the piece that mounts to the tripod leg which the st4 and hand controller plugs into. 

    I bought it new from FLO last June so it's not that old and I do look after my equipment. 




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