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Everything posted by ecormier

  1. Someone suggested to me in private correspondence to pin the material around my optical tube the way I want it, and just bring the whole thing pinned to my seamstress. Seems so obvious now, heh.
  2. I'm looking for advice on how much stretch to factor in when making a DIY truss tube shroud out of Lycra. I've sourced a 95% cotton / 5% lycra fabric with 25% four way stretch. I'm going to get a local seamstress to sow it for me, but I'll need to provide them the dimensions. I'm also interested in the amount of extra length that needs to be factored in. Yes, I'm aware of Shrouds by Heather, but the $55 USD shipping to Canada is too objectionable. Otherwise, I would just go with them. Is there someone in Europe who makes them? I sometimes find that it's cheaper to ship to Canada from Europe than from the US (go figure). EDIT: In case in matters, the dimensions are for a DIY 20" f/3.3 dob: 83-3/4" circumference of the bottom ring of the upper cage (213cm) 87-1/2" circumference at the mirror box (222cm) 40-3/4" length from mirror box to top of lower cage ring (104cm)
  3. I checked out the play sand at the local building supply store, and was not impressed by its cleanliness. I see many here recommending sawdust. The next time I do some wood cutting outside, I'm going to try laying down a tarp to catch the sawdust. I might also try asking a local cabinet maker. As for the Stuart Semple Black 3.0, it's a whopping $300 a litre, and I've read several negative reviews about it being greyish and not durable. I'm hesitant to spend that kind of money on it.
  4. Do you remember the mix ratio you used with sand?
  5. I have to do all my wood cutting outside, so I unfortunately don't have a means to collect the sawdust in a clean manner.
  6. Hi Everyone. I'm working on a mirror box for a 20" dob. I've painted the interior with Rosco Super Saturated Velour Black paint (vinyl acrylic), which is popular with A/V enthusiasts for painting home theaters. However, I must say that I'm disappointed in the paint's apparent lack of blackness. I've recently stumbled upon this article by Gerd Neumann Jr, which recommends mixing sand with chalkboard paint. As I understand it, the sand provides a rough texture to the finish which helps to avoid reflecting light. I've paid a lot for my Rosco Velour Black paint, and would like to try mixing sand with it before I abandon it for a different kind of paint. Has anyone here tried mixing Rosco paint with sand? Any tips? The Gerd Neumann Jr article suggests a 1:1 volumetric ratio for mixing as a starting point. I'd like to hear what mixing ratios worked well for you. I found a home improvement article that recommends mixing play sand to create a non-slip painted floor surface, so that's the stuff I plan to use in attempting this. I will test on a piece of scrap wood of course, but hearing what worked well for others would be great.
  7. I'm not comfortable discussing someone's personal affairs here. While I hope things are all right with her, I mainly wanted to retrieve her collimation guide. Mods, please lock this thread. My original post should have started as "What happened to AstroBaby's website". It's none of my business what happened to her.
  8. I don't mean to intrude on anyone's personal life. I got the information I needed.
  9. Thanks everyone. I generated and saved a PDF from the Wayback Machine link AngryDonkey has kindly provided. The formatting is a bit off, but all the information and pictures seem to be there. I hope everything is okay with AstroBaby.
  10. What happened to AstroBaby and her website? She had the most wonderful guide on collimation with a cheshire. That's where I would usually send beginners not equipped with a laser collimator. I would ask her myself via PM, but she hasn't been active here for a long while. I'm trying to find a snapshot of her collimation guide on the Internet Wayback Machine, but it's being very slow right now.
  11. Is this a non-rotating focuser? Does adjusting the focus rotate the guide camera?
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