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Posts posted by bluesilver

  1. Hi,  I currently have a Skywatcher 16 inch GOTO Dobsonian,  I was looking at purchasing a Catseye Autocollimator,   I have read that many say that the Catseye Autocollimator is the best around.

    So my question is and I have done a search around but yet to find it,    is where is the best place to get them from?

    I am from Australia and haven;t seen them listed for sale anywhere over here,  so i was hoping someone on here might be able to help me out on the best place or places to get these from.

    Sorry for the basic question.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.






  2. Thanks for the replies,  lots of great information given out and greatly appreciated.

    So just reading through them all,  and i am basically looking for the best i can get as like many mentioned,  it is a filter you only have to buy once.

    It sounds like that the  Lumicon filters are the best in regards to performance,  would this be correct?

    Then after that it would be Astronomik,  then  Tele Vue Bandmate ?

    Dose that sound pretty close to being correct?

    Also sorry to be a pain,  but would you say the best place to get the Lumicon filters from,  I can't find any dealers her in Australia,  so will be looking internationally.

    Thanks again.



  3. Hi,  i am looking at getting some filters to help get better viewing of nebular.

    I am using a 16 inch Skywatcher Dobsonian with goto

    I have seen there are at least two different types of 0111 filters,  at least in the badder range.

    I have found what they call narrow band ccd and visual nebular.

    Not too sure what the difference is really,  but was mainly looking for something that is suited to the 16 inch Dobsonian.

    Doesn't have to be Badder,  just read that they were suppose to be fairly good

    Any information or advice would be greatly appreciated.



  4. Thanks again for the replies,

    Lots of great information here.

    So it sounds like when you mentioned you need some capture software,  Is this  something i have to download into the camera itself to allow it to capture video, or timed exposures?

    I read somewhere,  that they tell you to go to their site to download the latest software into the camera,  is this what you are referring to where you mentioned you will need capture software,  or is this capture software something else that is also needed.

    I have found some good information in regards to the stacking software to process the images once i have them.

    Thanks again for the information and advice,  appreciated.




  5. Thanks for the replies,  Appreciated.

    So basically,  the camera itself doesn't store the images or videos as it doesn't have a memory card,  is this correct?

    And also you need a power source to power them?

    So therefore you need as suggested,  a laptop or tablet to view the image you are looking at, sore the image or video taken and also to power the camera?

    Dose that sound roughly correct?

    Sorry if that is a basic explanation,  but really all that i need to know at this stage.



  6. Hi,  I hope i have got this question posted in the right section,  apologise if i have it incorrect.

    Just a basic question that i am sure i am over looking.

    I am looking at getting into a bit of astrophotography,  and i was looking at going with the ZWO ASI224MC USB3.0 Colour Astronomy Camera.

    The question is,  do i actually need a laptop to run the camera and also to be able to view what i am trying to take a photo of?

    Also will this camera take video?

    I am planning to start out by taking images of the planets,  and was told for the planets you want to take short videos rather than timed photo exposures.

    I am going to be using it on a 16 inch GOTO Dobsonian to start with,  not the best for photography work,  but something to start with.

    Any information or advice would be appreciated.




  7. Thanks again for the reply.

    I am at least familiar with the part you mentioned recording video rather than taking long exposures and then using the software to stack and edit that recorded footage.

    Familiar in the sense of watched the videos and the different software that people use.

    I have kind of gone around it backwards in that regards on things.

    I will have a look at those two cameras that you have mentioned,  appreciate that.

    Is there much differance between the two cameras, ZWO AS1224MC USB3.0 Colour Astronomy Camera,  and ZWO AS1385MC Astronomy Camera

    From what i can see it that the only real differance is that the AS1385 has more pixels and is basically the updated version of the the AS1224

    Sound like i could be better of first getting one of these cameras and see how it goes with the Dob first.

    Appreciate all the advice.




  8. Thanks heaps again for the replies,   Lots of very good information here.

    The Dob i have is a Skywatcher 16inch GOTO,  i have only just started to play around trying to attach my DLSR camera to get images of the planets but didn't work out at all,  just get a bright blur,  camera is a Canon EOS 5DSR.

    Unfortunately i don't have a club close here,  so i kind of have to do a lot of research and learn as much as i can.

    If i could get a good camera to work with the 16 inch Dob that could be another option also.

    Yes i was initially looking a apo refractor as what i have read is that they give you a more crisper cleaner view compared to a Maksutov or SCT

    Silly question,  but would the 8" Edge HD outperform the 180/2700 Mak ?



    • Like 1
  9. Thanks for the reply,  that makes sense now you have put it that way.

    I have a large Dob for deep sky visual.

    So to make it a tad easier,  i am mainly really interested in mostly planetary imaging.

    So going with that,  the best bet would be the EdgeHD 8" ?

    If i was looking for nebular and Galaxies,  i would be best looking for a Refractor,  dose that sound roughly correct?


    • Like 2
  10. Hi,   I thought it would be best to put this in a separate post as it is a little different question form my previous post.

    I was looking at getting a telescope so i can also do a little photography work of the planets and possibly nebula and galaxies.

    I also realise this might be a broad question but hoping to get some general information that i can work from.

    Basically i don't want it to be a solely dedicated photography scope where i can't use eyepieces. I would like to be able to use it to do both,  

    Would i be better of looking at Refractor like say the SkyWatcher Black Diamond 120/900 ED Doublet Refractor

    Or the Orion EON 130mm ED Triplet Telescope

    Or would i be better of going back and looking at a Cassegrain like the SkyWatcher Black Diamond 180/2700 Mak-Cassegrain

    I was looking to mount them on a Skywatcher AZ-EQ6  Mount.

    Hope that all makes sense.

    Any information would be appreciated.






  11. Thanks heaps for all the replies,  greatly appreciated.

    I should of mentioned that the 16 inch Dobsonian is a collapsible GOTO, Skywatcher brand.

    I might just be unlucky on the nights i am viewing the planets as the collimation is pretty spot on.

    I am very lucky to get any decent views through the eyepiece with a 5 mm eyepiece,  I am using Televue eyepieces,  so views should be good.

    Unfortunately it is not a try before you buy with the 180/2700 Maksutov Casserain,  i was just offered a good deal from a shop that includes a Skywatcher AZEQ6 tripod.

    I don't travel with the 16 inch Dob,  but got it on a trolley platform that only take a few minutes to setup.

    If the image through the eye piece is going to be larger and better with my Dob,  i might be better of with the Dob, 

    I was just thinking of the 180/2700 Maksutov Casserain as it could possibly be a good scope for doing a bit of astrophotograpghy with if it also gave better planetary views,  but now thinking after reading through the replies,  I might be better of with a refractor for astrophotography work.



  12. Hi,  sorry if this has been asked before,  i did a search but didn't find anything,  so thought it best to ask.


    In regards to viewing planets,   I currently have a 16 inch Dobsonian  (400p)   and i was interested to know how it would perform against the Skywatcher 180/2700 Maksutov Casserain.

    Will the 180/2700 Maksutov Casserain give me a larger clearer view than the Dobsonian will?

    I am talking about viewing say Saturn or Jupiter at both the same time or night,   So amusing i had both setup right next to each other.

    Currently i can get away with a 10 mm eyepiece in the Dobsonian before things get a bit fuzzy. (180 X)

    Will the 180/2700 Maksutov Casserain allow me to get a larger image through the eyepiece before it gets fuzzy or will it still only be able to produce around the same size image that i am currently getting through my Dobsonian?


    I use to have a 10 inch Dobsonian and found that it could also only take around a 10 mm eye piece before things got a bit fuzzy ( 120 X)


    If the  180/2700 Maksutov Casserain will handle a 10 mm eye piece it would give me 270 X


    Only asking as i have been offered a good price on a 180/2700 Maksutov Casserain,  but unsure if it will give me better views of planets that what i am currently getting.

    I also realise the 180/2700 Maksutov Casserain has a much narrower filed of view,  so thinking this might also help in larger magnification.

    Any information would be greatly appreciated.







  13. Hi,  Firstly sorry if this has been asked before,  i have done a bit of a search but didn't find anything.

    I was curious to hopefully find out what the difference is between these two Celestron C14 telescopes.

    They are the Celestron EdgeHD 14 OTA and the Celestron C14 AF XLT OTA (CGE) Fastar,  there is about $3,500 difference in the price between the two here in Australia.

    I was hoping someone might be able to explain the difference between the two in simple terms ( not getting too technical )

    Is one setup purely for viewing through the eyepiece while the other is more setup for astrophotography?

    Any information is greatly appreciated.




  14. 51 minutes ago, johninderby said:

    Don’t forget that resolution improves with more aperture. Something often overlooked. My old Equinox 120 was good on lunar / planetary but the Skymax 180 I have now gives more detal on lunar.

    What you need is one of each. 😁

    One of each would definitely be the ultimate solution for sure.

    Think i will make up one of these off axis mask and see what i dose for me.

    But so far for scope goes,  it is looking like the Skywatcher 180/2700 Mak might be the choice for the next scope and then perhaps a little down the track look at the Refractor.

    It seams to read to me that if you want to lake longer exposure photos,  you are better of with a smaller aperture scope like the refractors,   could be wrong here though.



  15. 1 hour ago, johninderby said:

    My favourite lunar / planetary scope.


    I take it that this is the 180/2700 Skywatcher?

    I have heard a few saying that this particular scope works very well on planetary with the addition of a very good diagonal in replace of the original.

    20 minutes ago, Louis D said:

    Have you considered using an off-axis mask on your 16" Dob to make it a 6" to 7" unobstructed system?  It would also help with punching through seeing conditions.

    I haven't even thought of that idea to be honest,  sounds like something i must try.

    Thanks also for the advice on the FPL-53 doublet over an FPL-51 triple,  something to keep in mind also.

    Lots to research.




  16. Thanks for the replies and advice.

    I guess i should of mentioned that i have a 16 inch Dobsonian that i mainly use now for nebular, galaxies, and other DSO's

    It is ok for Planetary and double stars,  just a bit more touchy to the seeing conditions if not so great.


    Looks like i might have to invest in both a maksutov cassegrain and also a refractor,  but not all at once.

    Sounds like the skywatcher 180/2700 maksutov cassegrain could be the pick for planetary,  and maybe the Triplet refractor for star clusters,

    I am guessing the triplets are better image wise compared to the doublets

    Or is there no real visual difference between the triplets and doublets unless you do serious astrophotography?

    Appreciate the replies and advice.



  17. Hi,  Sorry firstly if this is a basic question.

    I have been looking around for a while now to find an answer,  but so far no real luck,, so i thought it was best to ask here.

    Basically I have a few questions that i am looking at.

    So for visual only,

    1. If i was to be looking at starts and double stars,  would a maksutov cassegrain show them up as nice clear pin dots or would the Refractor be the better option here?

    2.  For Nebular and galaxies, would the maksutov cassegrain be better for viewing them or the Refractor?

    3.  For viewing planetary,  would the maksutov cassegrain be better for viewing them or the Refractor?


    Then for astrophotography,  would the choices chance or be pretty much the same?

    I realise that all this might be a very broad question,  but just trying to make up my mind on either a 180/2700 maksutov cassegrain  or a 130 Triplet refractor,

    Any advice is appreciated.






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