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Posts posted by hubblebubble

  1. Thanks for the message Ewan and I really do appreciate the kind offer :)

    My brief posts may have painted a picture far worse than it actually is though. It's not as though I am selling up to put food on the table; just to provide a bit of extra cash over Christmas.

    I'm self employed and was owed some money from a firm that has now gone bust due to the recession.

    So just to set your mind at ease- I have a good lifestyle, nice house, happy, healthy children and a happy(ish) wife!

    I haven't taken offence to any posts, in fact it has shown what a bunch of kind hearted people the SGL'ers seem to be.

    I fully expect to be operational here again in the new year and you can approach me with your idea, if you find a more worthy candidate and i will be the first to chip in (After Christmas of course ;) )

  2. Hello

    I first saw Saturn through a university telescope years ago, but hadn't seen it again until last night. I was viewing through a Sky Watcher 150P and a 6mm wide angle EP which gave a 250x magnification. It was tricky to get the focus right, but it was close enough to get a nice view of the ringed one.

    I only had about five minutes viewing time so I didn't get to play with different magnifications, but my initial thought was, I should buy something to give me even more magnification. I know pushing magnification isn't always the way to go, but do you think it will be worth getting closer or even beyond the scope's theoretical maximum of 300x? Will I benefit? On nights of good seeing of course.

    Have any of you had good views of Saturn at more than 250x magnification? All advice much appreciated.

    I have the same scope and you get 250X with the 6mm AND 2X Barlow. Is that what you had? If not you would have only been 125X

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