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Ken Mitchell

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Everything posted by Ken Mitchell

  1. I just debayered the sensor of my old camera, I believe all went ok. There are still some small parts left that I will clean next time. My question is why are the images pink/blue and not black and white like in the OP? Do I need to convert it? I tried changing the wb but it always stays one color. Thanks in advance. Ken
  2. Hi Louise, Just read this post adn couple weeks ago I also decided to open up the SA and found exactly the same backlash on the gears as yours in the video. Tried to adjust the gears and I believe it now has less backlash but it is still there. It also looks from your video that the smallest gear is "bad aligned" . Mine was positioned more on the inside. Not aligned with the gear next to it. I had to take out the motor to change the 2 screws holding the little gear. Tests showed that it didn't change much and still had the same accuracy as before. Did you managed to get rid of the backlash somehow? Ken
  3. Didn't knew that existed ? This is my last one taken with the TS72 on the SA
  4. SQM 21.10 if that helps? I believe that is Bortle 4. Ken
  5. Thanks Louise! This was with a Nikon d610, 120sec subs with total of 1,5hrs. Ken
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