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Posts posted by GordonD

  1. I was there from about 10 till 2. Must put up a mugshot for next time so I have a chance to say hi to folks from here. Really enjoyed visiting the various domes and chatting to the very knowledgeable volunteers about the scopes, the siderostat (spelling??) and the meteor and aurora work in the Connaught dome.

    Attended the Archeaoastronomy (spelling??) talk from Carolyn Kennett from which the big take away for me was just how many ancient monuments there are in Devon and Cornwall. 

    I have not been to the Norman Lockyer observatory before so it was great to do that, especially on a warm sunny day.

    Thanks to the organisers, all the volunteers and staff, and to those providing the many solar scopes for viewing.

    (Shockingly I didn't buy anything although it was a close call on an Ethos 17mm .......)

    • Like 4
  2. Just had a lovely hour out with the moon in the 120ED. Spent some time teasing out detail in Theophilus, Cyrillus and Catherina. Then picking out the Apollo 11 landing site. Crater Armstrong easy but struggled to pick up Collins and Aldrin :(. Then on to the area of the Apollo 17 site. 
    Also spent a while enjoying spotting emerging mountain peaks/tops just on the dark side of the terminator. I love how they change over a period of minutes. Nice to get out, even if only for a while. 

    • Like 5
  3. No I have used 2 and they are always open - no password required. Wonder if it is worth doing a reset? I have never had to do it or tried it, but the manual says

    4. Factory Reset If you forget the password of the adapter’s access point, the adapter will need to be reset to the factory default for accessing. The adapter can be reset to factory default after it’s powered on and not accessed for 1 hour.

    Otherwise did you buy it from a retailer - if so, ask them, and if no satisfactory answer I guess you can always send it back as it doesn't work.

  4. 6 hours ago, Louis D said:

    Have they improved the focuser on it recently?  5 years ago, I was looking at buying a used one that had been upgraded to a MoonLite focuser because the stock focuser was not so great.

    The focuser is a weak point on the SW120ED. Just a poor effort, I think. Mine has needed many efforts at adjustment and it is never quite right. Shame really as it is otherwise a great scope. I claim no great expertise, but the optics seem excellent to me. But if was buying now to be honest I would look at an alternative simply because of this part. (They stopped selling the Equinox version with a better focuser shortly before I got mine).
    Great to have such choices, though - good luck!

    • Like 2
  5. 3 hours ago, DirkSteele said:

    I suspect it is also luck of the postcode lottery (no not the actual lottery) as well. I still receive multiple deliveries a week in central London. My parents in Hampshire are lucky if they get two a week.

    I think you have it exactly right there. There are clearly places where the Royal Mail service is poor or close to non existent, but my experience is more like others have said on here. Postie is a helpful friendly person and deliveries are always on time or even early. So very much how lucky you are with your local staff. And I think parcels are more of a priority for them than letters as they compete with other couriers and the number of letters sent continues to dwindle (whilst hopefully understanding how essential letter post is in certain circumstances). 
    Also certainly helpful to have cheaper option for small/cheap item delivery, so thank you to FLO for that option.

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