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Blog Entries posted by DavidJM

  1. DavidJM
    Perhaps the open outlook to the east
    Ensures the leaded panes catch every ray
    And part explains why on the dullest day
    My eye is drawn up to the colour feast,
    After a rubbish couple of months, finally a holiday........a week in the Yorkshire Dales, only a 7.5 hour drive from Kernow but worth it!
    A little cottage east of Hawes, nothing but sheep and pheasants and yes dark skies. Great food in small pubs with the friendly locals, Abbey ruins visited and gloriously recommended to sooth the soul and switch off the rat race (Easby Abbey nr. Richmond, Jarvaulx Abbey nr. Ripon), honestly THE best chips from The Chippie in Hawes and of course beautiful scenery!
    With not much room in the car (have to take the family not just the scopes?) I only packed the Heritage 100P and my BST eyepieces, opposite to my home viewing where I can only see the southern sky, here it was the West and North, typically for me the cottage had the only street light for at least 100 miles to the south.....still new things to spend time on........
    So two clear nights.....once I got over the nervousness of total dark away from civilisation and wild animal noises I've never heard before....out with the little dob
    Auriga....the 3 open clusters, M36/37/38, even with a waxing moon, still was able to pull these out, have to say that the 12mm BST is turning out to be a particular favourite, reckon I could make out about a dozen of the brightest stars in the pinwheel cluster. Stars Capella and El Nath (start the Taurus debate here...) a lovely distraction....now if I hadn't taken the wife and son would I have seen the famous nebulae with my 8" Dob?
    On to Cassiopeia....and after the owl cluster.....and what a revelation. The first time viewing and frankly spent far too long staring at this beauty....actually think I could see it in my sleep that night! The whole constellation was a wonder confirming I need to be less lazy and get my scopes to local dark skies more often......just don't let work life get in the way
    Spent a fair bit of time viewing the moon, decent views with 5mm BST, and just staring up with my eyes at a dazzling dark sky full with stars.
    All in all a wonderful week, great days out, dark and clear skies at night, great food (and drink), if you get the chance, pack away some clean undies and a scope and head to the Yorkshire Dales
    (If you're interested...opening lines are from a poem called east window by Alan Hartley relating to a stained glass window in Leyburn)

  2. DavidJM
    Recently had some bad personal news so did what I usually do in these circumstances.....I bought a new scope
    To be precise a Synscan 127mm Maksutov from Rother Valley Optics (no planned advert but have to say great service)
    At last clear skies tonight so set up my new scope, used 2 star alignment, Regulas and Sirius as my garden is only any good towards the south (street lights everywhere else), really simple, five minutes and up and running.
    Quick tour using handset for messiers and whipped through M46, M47, M48 and M50, followed by the Christmas tree cluster and the beehive
    With 25mm and 15mm eyepieces I have to say the Mak was a revelation, great views and a fun evening
    Looking forward to some great nights with this little treasure
  3. DavidJM
    So where have I been.......work.....that's it
    Have travelled to different continents, seen the southern hemisphere sky and bought another scope, yet to use I might add as something's haven't changed........cloudy skies, stormy weather with heavy rain
    In the little time I've managed to get my 200 dobson out, I have finally seen the amazing Orion nebula with uhc filter and also the trapezium, a wonder worth all the cost of this amazing hobby alone. There's something awe aspiring about the whole Orion constellation with so many things to view, would happily freeze time on a clear dark sky with Orion high in the south
    Looking for clear skies and making more use of my kit, if only nights were longer/ darker and life less busy?
  4. DavidJM
    So what have I seen through my scopes since the last blog..............zip.........nothing.....nowt....zero
    The wonderful Cornish skies have been full of clouds, when I've been awake anyway, and now the howling gales prevent even standing my scopes upright even if the clouds clear. I had one glorious night of dark skies while on a work trip to central Germany, the sky lit up with stars, unfortunately my scopes were back in Blighty. Still just staring upwards can be so rewarding.....I highly recommend it!
    So short and sweet (as my father used to say "like a roasted maggot") but I live in hope of nights out with my scopes, I did manage to buy a new 8mm BST EP which I can't wait to use.......reviews seem pretty good
    Clear skies to all
  5. DavidJM
    So I started staring at the sky many years ago, I lived in the Black Country (no not Birmingham but if you don't know where it is I'll live with it's close) where the night sky is frankly a permanent orange glow. I was fortunate to move to Cornwall a few years back and........wow, a whole new world came to life so I decided to buy my first telescope last January, a Heritage 100P; why that model I here you ask? Well firstly I lose interest, I have the attention span of a goldfish, I knew I would need something I could grab at a moment's notice and after 9 months I can say that box is ticked, for a newbie this scope is perfect! I also need to point out that I have the finances of a Neanderthal cavemen before the conception of money......but then with huge good fortune a 200P drops in my lap for less than a couple of mid range eyepieces.......I am in heaven not just looking for it!
    Skip a few months and here I am, owner of two telescopes, a starting collection in equipment, a library of books, numerous software programs and passion for darkness and being outside just staring. I know some constellations, I've seen Jupiter and Saturn, some clusters and scarily a 747 (that was a shock!), oh and yes that small circulating satellite the Moon.
    I hope to regularly update on my journey whether I find a new planet or nothing because I can't see through the mizzle (look that up, wasn't in my dictionary either until I moved here

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