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Everything posted by Tej

  1. Update: I received the new filter (656 ITF Bandpass), which I had purchased from Maierphotonics in the US for $75+$14.50 shipping. I then paid a further £22 Customs Duty, so all in all, total cost was £93. There is an alternative to purchase from Beloptik in Germany which sells for 149 EUR (£135) + shipping. I simply went for the cheaper option. I've now replaced the filter, very easily, having done the prep as per previous posts. Now to test! And wouldn't you just know it...rain and cloudy forecast for the rest of the week! So it's just a matter of waiting for the Sun to come out before I report the results.
  2. Just thought I show a picture of the disassembly so far for anyone else following this journey for their own attempt in replacing the filter. I definitely recommend getting the tool in the picture as both bradawl point and flat head ends help to unscrew the filter container (bradawl ends) and the ring (flat head ends).
  3. I just realised the same tool that I used to unscrew the filter holder has two types of ends, one pair are bradawl type which is what I used to unscrew the filter holder but the other ends are flat tips! So I unscrewed the inner ring with it. Just a reminder, this is the tool I bought. https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/aw/d/B00J5F6ZI2/ref=ox_sc_act_image_2?smid=A1FPCQKROFZVDU&psc=1 So I think that is all the prep I need. All I need now is wait for that new filter to come! @Pete Presland I absolutely will post result images! I guess I should do one with the bad filter just to show the difference but it really is bad, Don't even see any spicules, sunspots, filaments or prominences. Just a solid disk. But this is what I was able to get in it's glory days:
  4. Thanks @Merlin66 @Rusted. I received the tool. Although I am still waiting for the new ITF filter to arrive, I wanted to test the tool and unscrew the filter ring component. I find it quite dangerous using the tool as it slipped quite easily and poked the filter surface! Have to be very careful if I need to use it to screw the holder back in to get it tight (unless screwing it by hand is enough?) Next question is what tool you use to unscrew the filter out of it's housing? I see the two notches as per the top photo in Rusted's last post.
  5. Ha, well the wrench looks to be a very useful tool to have so no regrets there. But I just bought this tool to unscrew the filter ring cover for £10.99 which I doubt I will ever need to use again... Unless it has other uses apart from dismantling camera lenses. Perhaps maybe needed if I decide to modify my dslr? https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/aw/d/B00J5F6ZI2/ref=ox_sc_act_image_2?smid=A1FPCQKROFZVDU&psc=1 One more question, do I need to unscrew the holder in the middle also?
  6. OK, so I received the Boa Constrictor tool. I used my Nexstar 8SE mount to as my clamp for the PST. I used the Boa Constrictor to try unscrew the holder...but there was no budging. So I plugged in a hair dryer and heated up the holder for 8 minutes. I used the Boa constrictor again and without much force, the holder unscrewed! Yay! Thank you @Rusted and @Montana for your excellent solution. It totally worked. So I am over the first hurdle. What have I got? Certainly does look like a bad filter indeed! Even worse than what @Craney showed. What amuses me is that the filter looks like a solar image with lovely groups of sunspots! So I guess I need to replace this specific filter which just to confirm is the ITF, right? So my next question is...how do I take the old to filter out? I see two pin holes on it...are these a means to take the filter out? What tool do I need for this? Thanks.
  7. Ok thanks, everyone, I've ordered the medium constrictor. I'll report back on my progress!
  8. 1kg of 3D printing material is about £25. How much would be needed for 3D printing a Boa Constrictor? But anyway, happing buying the tool and looks useful to have for other applications in the home. There is a Baby Boa and a medium Boa. @Rusted , which one do you have? Thanks Medium: https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B017W7WE2K/ref=ox_sc_act_title_1?smid=A3P5ROKL5A1OLE&psc=1 Baby: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Baby-Boa-Strap-Wrench-Colour/dp/B00096JDJY/ref=pd_sbs_60_1/257-9923441-8984720?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_i=B00096JDJY&pd_rd_r=ce2b361c-72d2-4ef1-83c5-54e4ec02c239&pd_rd_w=FsaRo&pd_rd_wg=EU9nK&pf_rd_p=2773aa8e-42c5-4dbe-bda8-5cdf226aa078&pf_rd_r=BH5CR9HZ4TQF7AKARA11&psc=1&refRID=BH5CR9HZ4TQF7AKARA11
  9. @Montana , oh great, thanks for the hairdryer tip, I got no hubby or a strong missus but I do have a bench vice clamp so I can get some heavy duty assistance using that!
  10. @Rusted OK this looks similar to what you have. https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B00096JDJY/ref=ox_sc_act_title_2?smid=A3P5ROKL5A1OLE&psc=1 I'll try open with that first. Failing that, there appears to be another option to use Brake fluid which can reduce the resistance of Loctite without damaging the metals. I am assuming the holder is metal because it seems that Loctite is mostly applicable to metals.
  11. Oh sorry, I just noticed this after my previous post. I'm trying to visualise how that strange looking contraption works and how you use it on the pst!
  12. Well, thank you, @Craney for wishing me luck and educating me about Loctite. Luck is not with me, sadly, as I couldn't budge it one but. I tried using machine oil at the rim joint inside and outside but no go. Clamped into a vice and used a pliers to rotate the barrel and again no budging. Looks like the Loctite is doing its job. So perhaps I need to buy a heatgun? What's the holder made of?
  13. Well this is embarrassing, I am stuck on the first hurdle...I can't unscrew the eyepiece holder! Should I apply brute force or is it possible that I may have a different version of the PST to you?....I see that your eyepiece holder is next to the frequency adjustment ring, whereas my eyepiece holder is at the rear end. Thanks
  14. Thank you all so much for such thorough replies. You have made me feel very optimistic in reviving the life of my PST now! I will check the filters tomorrow and see what I can assess from that first thing and then give an update. Thanks again!
  15. Hi guys My PST is showing no details on the sun, just a solid red disk..I don't even see prominences projecting out. So I am assuming one of the filters is failing. I understand there are two filters, an ITF and a blocking filter? Would any of you have an idea if the issue maybe one of those filters? I understand I can replace (it appears that this should be an easy self DIY job). If you think however, I should send it off for servicing, who would you recommend? Thanks. I had a look at this thread: https://stargazerslounge.com/topic/350236-pst-milky-filter/?tab=comments#comment-3815864 . But I am unsure if Gajjer's issue is the same as mine? If on the other hand, you think my PST has no chance, then may I indulge a tribute! I have had the PST for about 6-7 years now, so I guess perhaps it was getting on with age. In it's prime, it was a really lovely thing that I would take around in my backpack with a computerised Nexstar 8se alt az mount (so convenient, as it has a flat base to just plunk onto a table top) and entertain friends and guests with views through it. And what wonderful views they were for such a small aperture. Filaments, sunspots, prominences and spiculation were all clearly visible and surprisingly vivid through my Baader Zoom eyepiece. The failure of the PST happened last year and I thought, well I enjoyed it while it lasted, and this is the end. But as a regular volunteer at Royal Greenwich Museum's Public Solar viewing events, I get to frequently enjoy the views of the sun in HA throughout the summer on their 60mm and 90mm Solar Max solarscopes, so I always have my HA solar viewing fix every summer. But of course all that changed, in this almost apocalyptic world that we live in now! And aside from worrying about how am I getting baked beans, brown flour and eggs, I am also feeling starved of my solar viewing in HA (even though the sun was so quiet, at least seeing the spiculation makes my day). So hence I am investigating if my PST could possibly get a new lease of life that I can enjoy looking through from home. And it seems, there is a possibility, having browsed some threads here. My fingers are crossed...! Thanks
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