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Posts posted by Ulysses31

  1. 5 minutes ago, Cornelius Varley said:

    Start Stellarium and then go to the telescope control plug-in and select the load on startup option. Close Stellarium and reopen it and return to the telescope control plug-in. The configure button should now be active. Select Add from the telescopes box then select "Stellarium directly through a serial port" . Select  "Start/Connect on startup" and then "Skywatcher Synscan V3" and comm port 1 for your RS232 port (serial data cable connected directly to computer).

    Thanks Peter will give this a go later.

  2. 2 minutes ago, Cornelius Varley said:

    PC-Direct mode doesn't work with some planetarium programmes, including Stellarium.  Just do the initial star alignment then use Stellarium to control the mount.



    I tried this last night but when the configuration window/plug ins/telescope control it wouldn't let me click configure, nothing would happen and also when i connect cables to laptop it doesn't detect any devices?

  3. Hi, Everyone could with a little advice on connecting a my Synscan v4 to my laptop.

    I now how to do it and also know about USB serial adapters, what i am wondering is my laptop has a RJ11 coms port but in the Synscan V4 Manual it says you need a RJ12 port as the cable supplied  is RJ12. The RJ12 cable fits into the RJ11 perfectly

    Is there much difference in these and could i still connect using the method or do i have to go and buy the USB serial adapter?

    if anyone can shed some light on this it would be greatly appreciated.


  4. Thanks for replying Galen, the mount is a robust upgraded version of the AZ goto and I  have seen it used with great results on Dso's  using lots of short exposures say 100 x 5secs. 

    This was using a CCD video camera though!!!! And the results I have had using the barlow at up to 30sec exposures haven't been too bad. 

    Here's a link to where I have seen this done.. http://x-bit-astro-imaging.blogspot.co.uk/2015/08/a-ln300-video-camera-was-placed-at.html?m=

    I'm also thinking of attaching a auto guided scope to help as well. 

  5. So, I have gone and got myself a Skywatcher Star Discovery 150p, which has so far proved to be a very good little scope and I've had some very good results.

    I have now got the bug for imaging and have gone out and got myself a second hand Nikon D5100 and verious other equipment needed to do this, only to now find I can't get Prime Focus!!!!!!!! So the only way I can image is using a barlow x2 which obviously changes the F ratio from F5.5 to F11 slowing everything x2 this isn't to bad for planetary imaging but for DSO images not so good!!! 

    After searching through lots of videos on to do this all I can find is...... 

    I can either butcher the standard rack and pinion focuser that's fitted on it by cutting it down and rethreading it or by moving the primary up by 20-25mm,  which seems a shame to do a brand new scope still under warranty! 

    The only other option I have come up with is changing the focuser to a Skywatcher Low Profile  Dual Speed Focuser For Newtonian Reflectors. 

    Could anyone out there shed any light on this before I spend another £130 on the new focuser. 


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