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Blog Comments posted by M106

  1. Will give that a go thanks!

    I'm waiting for a colliminator aswell, no idea when that will arrive, could lack of collimation be the cause of the color shift i'm seeing on the edges of the tree branches? Or something else?

  2. I've roughly aligned it with a tree about 60m away, thats the furthest i can do at the moment, but i live at the top of a hill so later i will try aligning it with a skyscraper in london; but i think i'm going to order a cross hair eye piece to do it properly ...assuming the cross hair on the finder is accurate enough to be worth it? Not sure, seen lots of people saying its not great?


    Couldnt get a pin sharp image of the tree, it was pretty sharp, but with (chromatic aberration? Is that the right term.. colorful distortion around the edges), is that just down to the distance i was trying to focus on? Using the 25mm

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