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Posts posted by SlimPaling

  1. At some point, in the not too distant future,  it looks as if I will have to upgrade my aging Win10 computer in order to move up to Windows 11 😞   Th every thought of it gives me the shudders!!!

    I use a whole assortment of software when I process my deep sky LRGB/HSO images and video sequences for Solar Imaging ..... but my main question is just how badly will the move to Win11 affect my existing software?

    To list all of the programs that I use might take some time to put together here .... but here are a few to get started .... PixInsight, Maxim DL, CdC, Stellarium, Astrometrica, Aladin, RegiStax, Firecapture, Photoshop, etc etc.

    Any help to tell me what future I am looking at would be very much appreciated!  But ..... do I really have to upgrade to Win11 or is it inevitable????


  2. 35 minutes ago, Xilman said:

    Then, or each filter likely to be used (including no filter) and at each binning level, take a guessed exposure length and find out roughly how bright is a typical pixel, using the standard MaximDL tool. Then calculate how long, roughly, each would have to be to give 40-60% maximum values. For a 16-bit camera like mine, this would be 25,000 to 40,000 say. Take between 9 and 25 images at each setting (thereby reducing Poisson noise by a factor of 3 to 5).

    Hi again ... 3 minutes later!     Sorry!

    I am attaching a screen shot of what I got last night when inspecting one of my Lum flats showing two graphs in Maxim.

    What should I be looking for in these graphs? Are there other graphs in Maxim that would be helpful?


    Screen View.jpg

  3. 26 minutes ago, Xilman said:

    Then, or each filter likely to be used (including no filter) and at each binning level, take a guessed exposure length and find out roughly how bright is a typical pixel, using the standard MaximDL tool. Then calculate how long, roughly, each would have to be to give 40-60% maximum values. For a 16-bit camera like mine, this would be 25,000 to 40,000 say

    Hi Paul ... thanks for your reply ...

    As usual I am stumped by certain things that you mention in the above quote 😞

    Q1: what "standard tool in Maxim" do you mean????

    Q2: when you sat "25,000 to 40,000" .... which window in Maxim are you looking at?


    (PS: there might be more questions to come !)

  4. I am getting a bit confused about the best way to make flat frames in Maxim DL .... there seems to be more than one way of doing it from what I have found on the 'net.

    Can somebody please sort me out at all?

    OK .... I have a f6 Refractor , Moravian G2 Mono camera and a flat field foil. I am using Maxim DL to make (hopefully) accurate flats.

    What is the best way to make a set of flats of the correct exposure in Maxim DL???


  5. 1 hour ago, perdrix said:

    When DeepSkyStacker 5.1.5 is installed it places TWO ICONS on your desktop.   One for DeepSkyStacker, the other for DeepSkyStackerLive (different applications).

    Try opening DeepSkyStacker rather than DeepSkyStackerLive.  Why would you struggle to uninstall - just go to the Control Panel/Programs and Features.

    It now makes sense 🙂

    In my rush to get a newer version of DSS I hadn't spotted that "Two Icons" had been placed on my desktop!!! I had been clicking on the "Live2 version". I think that I have now got it all sorted.

    Thanks for your suggestion.

  6. Just now, Seelive said:

    Is that the DSS Live version?  Perhaps you've opened the wrong DSS.exe?

    It certainly looks like it !!!!

    It looks like I have really messed up DSS up on my computer now. I have just spent half an hour deleting v5.1.5. (LIVE?) a then trying to get my original version back up and I keep getting the very same screen 😞

    I can't spot the "non-live" version of DSS on the web site.

    How on earth do I get back to a full working version that can cope with my Solar imaging runs????

    I am totally lost now 😞

  7. Hi ...

    I need to tweek the back focus between the flattener on my f6 APO scope and my Moravian CCD camera to compensate for my 1mm thick filters.

    I have seen on the 'net that some people say that I need to increase the back focus by 1/3 of the thickness of my filters = 1/3mm

    However when I asked the manufacturer of my flattener & scope ( APM Scopes ) he suggested that I need to add 1mm to my back focus.

    Before I start to take my kit apart ..... does anybody have any suggestions which of the above is correct?


  8. I am interested in also adding a camera to monitor my scope remotely during imaging sessions .... but I have a question that somebody might be able to help me with.

    My scope is controlled by a in10 mini computer in my observatory ... but I able to access this computer directly from my "House Computer" linked by an Ethernet cable and "AnyDesk". This system works great but I would like to be able to keep an eye on the inside of my observatory without the need to keep occasionally going down the garden.

    I don't really want to add a second Ethernet cable ( it was very involved to get the first one in place! ) and I don't have a mobile phone ( I am trying to avoid this ! )

    So my question is ... what are my options to link a any one of the cameras, suggested above, in the observatory to my "house computer"? Will "AnyDesk" cope with it???


  9. 3 hours ago, Peter Drew said:

    I've always managed with a standard B&D drill with hammer option.  I just drill a small pilot hole and then open it up with larger bits to size.    🙂

    Well ... I tried my trusty B&D drill with hammer option and it did not cope when the bit hit to a stone in the concrete and it went way off line and it completely destroyed my masonry bit..

    I quickly realized that my resulting 4 holes would not have lined up with the holes in the bottom of my pier ..... and I changed tack. ..... I got a "JCB SDS Plus Hammer drill" which went through my concrete like butter with all 4 holes in the correct place. The whole process took about 5 minutes :-)))


    • Like 2
  10. You will almost certainly need to have access to a decent hammer drill to make the holes in the concrete.

    An ordinary drill ( even with a top quality masonry bit) will simply bounce off any stones in the concrete and go badly off course.

    Rawlbolts are fine.


  11. I hope somebody can help me to find where I can find accurate coordinates for a Comet.

    After a long layoff from imaging for various reasons .... a couple of nights ago, after looking up the calculated coordinates on the "NASA Horizon's" web site and entered these into my tracking software I took a set of 11 x100sec images of Comet 29P. After starting to process them I saw that the comet was quite a long way off the center of the images. I am assuming that the coordinates that I had used were slightly off.

    Yesterday I did some searching on the 'net into accurate daily Comet coordinates I am faced with at least 5 slightly different sets of Comet coordinates and I don't know which to use. The "NASA Horizon" web page gives me two different sets of coordinates ..... (1)  "ICRF RA/Dec" and (2) "Apparent RA/Dec" coordinates. The  "COBS" web site  shows another set of coordinates. In CdC, when I click on any Comet , I get two more coordinates (1) "Mean of Date RA/Dec" and (2) " Mean J2000 coordinates" again slightly different to all of the others.

    So it total I am faced with 5 slightly different sets of RA/Dec coordinates to choose from!

    Does anybody have any suggestions as to which set of coordinates are best for me to try out next time I am able to do any Comet imaging?

    Regards Mike

  12. Hi ... can anybody please point me in the right direction?

    From what I understand it is possible to include pre-saved flat files automatically while doing solar imaging using Firecapture.

    However .... I have spent the last couple of days trying to understand how to do this and failed.

    I can't seem to find any information about this on the 'net ... including in the great video tutorials on the FireCature website 😞

    Before I part with hard earned cash to purchase a "Daystar Flat Cap" can some kind person give me some clues .... or point me in the right direction?


  13. Hi ..... can anybody help me to confirm the true orientation of my CCD Camera? I do not have a rotator fitted

    I need this information when I set up "Astrometrica".

    When I upload images to "Astronomy.net" it tells me that the orientation of my images are all " 179.9 degrees E of N " ..... and when I check my images with "Aladin" I can see that my images align up very well with the image on "Aladin". Am I correct in thinking that the my images are almost exactly horizontal .... but upside down?

    Does this mean that my CCD orientation setting in "Astrometrica" is 180 degrees???

    Cheers Mike

  14. Hi ..

    I recently did a short run of 6 x120sec exposures (using the Lum filter) of Comet C/2020 R7 using a scope at a well known facility in Chile.

    I knew that the Moon was quite close to the comet but I just wanted to see if I could spot the comet on the resulting images so I expected some interference from the light of the Moon but the wasn't a major concern for me.

    However, when I did some initial basic stretching of the resulting images I could see some very strange dark patterns all over each image ... to me the look like some tracks left by wold animals. All of the images had the exact same defects.

    Does anybody have any idea why the glare of the Moon should produce these strange patterns? I haven't bothered to even try to remove them in PixInsight as I don't think anything will work.

    I am attaching one of the images to show what I mean.LUM 1.tif

    Cheers Mike

    LUM 1.tif

  15. 49 minutes ago, bomberbaz said:

    Something like this might work, not used it myselff but seems ok on the surface. It is prime so if you have it, it is easy to return.

    Yihaifu M726AT Cable Tester Multi-Modular Multifunction USB RJ45 Cable Tester LAN RJ-11 Wire LAN Network Ethernet Line Checker : Amazon.co.uk: DIY & Tools

    Thanks for this suggestion .... I will give it a try


  16. Hi ...

    I have several USB cables linking up my scope, camera, focuser, etc. to my computer .... and I would like to check if all of these cables are working 100%.

    I have been having some intermittent problems with my set-up and I suspect that I might have some iffy USB cables. 

    Rather than just buying a load of new replacement cables willy-nilly are there any simple USB cables testers available out there???? I can't spot any so far 😞



  17. Hi ...

    I am trying to find ways to cut down on condensation in my Roll Off observatory .... my kits seems to get pretty damp in the winter months despite there being plenty of ventilation.

    I am currently using a couple of greenhouse bar heaters controlled by a standard timer switch during the nights which seems to help a bit.

    A friend has suggested that I might try to incorporate a humidity controller ( like : https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B083BRFK3R/?coliid=IAPJC7W3RZGA1&colid=2QHVF4PDG6ZPZ&psc=1&ref_=lv_ov_lig_dp_it )  which could then switch on or off the tube heaters.

    Before I go ahead and spend any money .... does anybody have any experience of using one of these contollers for this purpose?

    What “Relative Humidity” setting do I set the controller to to give me some chance of success???


  18. 24 minutes ago, dan_adi said:

    Thanks, it was a great way to learn more about astronomy/astrophysics. I was expecting a little bit more feedback but it seems folks don't need to compute exposure times 😁 

    Well ... I am interested ... especially if you get the time to do a version for my Win10 PC and my Moravian G2 camera 🙂


  19. Recently I have noticed something which bugs me when I open up TIFs  ( LRGB and HSO TIFs) into Photoshop after them being previously processed in PixInsight.

    I have noticed that, despite carefully adjusting the histogram of each file in PixInsight before saving, when I load them into Photoshop I see that the histogram needs to be seriously re-adjusted again before I can do work with them in Photoshop. The files are way off  before I have to re-adjust them😞

    Is this normal or am I doing something wrong???


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