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Everything posted by onefistinthestars

  1. *new* Mars Rover: Phobos occults Deimos during Solar transit https://youtu.be/g7U4Geqqa0E Top 50 Mix Peace, Stephen PAC/Astronomical League https://www.tinyurl.com/saberdoesthestarz http://www.tinyurl.com/c14isawesome http://www.tinyurl.com/concordiemborealis
  2. Messier-Caldwell (MesCal) Marathon Observing List Stephen Saber Adding the available Caldwell showpieces- many within a stone's throw of the Messiers- is a rewarding way to keep the marathon dso hunt momentum going while waiting for the sky to turn. Here's a template for 40 deg N, but can easily vary as to when one wishes to jump on and off the Messier track, and for latitude dependent target additions/omissions. This route adds 62 Caldwells to the 110 Messiers. Some March Caldwells not reaching at least 10 deg altitude are not included. M74, M77, M33, C28, C23 M31, M32, M110, C18, C17 M52, C11, C13 M103, C8, C10, C5, C14 M76, M34, C24, M45 M79, M42, M43, M78, M50, M41 C64, M93, C58, M46, M47, C54 M48, C50, C49, C46 C41, C39, M35, M1, M37, M36, M38 C31, C25, M44, M67, C48 M95, M96, M105, M65, M66 C40, C53, C59 M81, M82, C7, C3 M97, M108, M109, M40, M106 C21, C26, C32, C29 M94, M63, M51, M101, M102 M98, M99, M100, M85, M84, M86 M87, M88, M91, M90, M89 M58, M59, M60, M49, M61 C38, C36, C35, M64, M53, M3 C45, C52, M104, C60, C61 M68, M83, C66 M5, M13, M92, C6, C1 M57, M56, C15, M39, C20, M29 C27, C33, C34, C37, M27, M71 M12, M10, M14, M107, M9, M4 M80, M62, M19 M11, M26, M16, M17, M18, M24 M25, M23, M21, M20, M8, M28 M22 C75, C76, C69, M6, M7 M69, M70, M54, M55, M75 C57, C47, C42, M15, M2 M72, M73, C55 *C30, C19, C16, C22 C12, C4, C9, C2, M30 *this pre-m30 target sequence is ordered to allow cepheus maximum altitude while moving away from the approaching morning twilight dome. As with the M-Cubed, hardcore MesCal Marathon hunters wanting to preserve maximum nightvision and spend more time observing should practice memorizing and sharpshooting this list in smaller groups throughout the year. Matt Wedel's appreciated southern sky follow-up: Concordiem Australis *****
  3. Concordiem Borealis by Stephen Saber This collection of DSOs and doublestars unifies the Astronomical League's Messier, Binocular Deepsky, Caldwell (the 76 most northern), and Double Star targets as well as the RASC’s 110 Finest NGC Objects (90 of which are Herschel 400s). Three doubles I couldn’t live without are also included. Designed with those tackling the Observe Programs in mind, the overlapping entries have been omitted- leaving a treasure chest of 400+ gems for northern observers. Grouped by constellation, the basic data and corresponding Pocket Sky Atlas chart follow each entry. ANDROMEDA obj/type/mag/radec/psa M31 GX 3.5 0043+4119 03 M32 GX 8.2 0043+4055 03 M110 GX 8.0 0041+4144 03 C28/NGC752 OC 5.7 0158+3743 02 C23/NGC891 GX 10.0 0223+4223 02 C22/NGC7662 PN 9.0 2326+4236 03 gammaAnd DS 2.3 0204+4222 02 AQUARIUS M2 GC 6.5 2134-0047 77 M72 GC 9.4 2054-1230 77 M73 AS 9.0 2059-1236 77 C55/NGC7009 PN 8.0 2105-1120 77 C63/NGC7293 PN 7.5 2230-2046 76 zetaAqr DS 4.3 2229-0001 77 94 Aqr DS 5.3 2319-1328 76 AQUILA NGC6709 OC 6.7 1852+1022 65 NGC6781 PN 12.0 1919+0634 65 57 Aql DS 5.8 1955-0814 66 ARIES NGC772 GX 10.3 0200+1903 04 gammaAri DS 4.8 0154+1918 04 lambdaAri DS 4.9 0158+2336 04 AURIGA M36 OC 6.0 0537+3408 12 M37 OC 5.6 0553+3233 12 M38 OC 6.4 0529+3550 12 NGC1893 OC 7.5 0523+3324 12 NGC1907 OC 8.2 0529+3519 12 NGC1931 CN 11.3 0532+3415 12 NGC2281 OC 5.4 0650+4103 23 C31/IC405 EN — 0517+3416 12 thetaAur DS 2.7 0600+3713 12 BOOTES C45/NGC5248 GX 10.2 1338+0851 44 NGC5466 GC 9.1 1406+2830 44 deltaBoo DS 3.5 1516+3319 42 iotaBoo DS 4.9 1416+5122 42 kappaBoo DS 4.6 1414+5147 42 epsilonBoo DS 2.5 1445+2704 44 muBoo DS 4.3 1525+3723 42 piBoo DS 4.9 1441+1625 44 xiBoo DS 4.7 1451+1906 44 CAMELOPARDALIS NGC1501 PN 13.0 0408+6056 13 C7/NGC2403 GX 8.4 0738+6535 21 NGC2655 GX 10.1 0857+7811 21 C5/IC342 GX 9.1 0348+6807 11 Stock23 OC 6.5 0316+6002 11 Kemble1 OC 4.0 0358+6306 11 1 Cam DS 5.7 0432+5355 12 32 Cam DS 5.3 1249+8325 21 CANCER M44 OC 3.1 0841+1957 24 M67 OC 6.9 0851+1147 24 C48/NGC2775 GX 10.3 0911+0700 24 iotaCnc DS 4.2 0847+2846 24 zetaCnc DS 5.5 0812+1739 24 CANES VENATICI M3 GC 6.3 1343+2821 44 M51 GX 8.4 1330+4710 43 M63 GX 8.6 1316+4159 43 M94 GX 8.2 1251+4104 43 M106 GX 8.3 1219+4715 43 NGC4111 GX 10.8 1208+4301 43 NGC4214 GX 9.7 1216+3617 43 C26/NGC4244 GX 10.2 1218+3746 43 C21/NGC4449 GX 9.4 1229+4403 43 NGC4490 GX 9.8 1231+4135 43 C32/NGC4631 GX 9.3 1242+3229 43 NGC4656/7 GX 10.4 1244+3207 43 C29/NGC5005 GX 9.8 1311+3700 43 NGC5033 GX 10.1 1314+3633 43 alphaCVn DS 2.9 1256+3819 43 CANIS MAJOR M41 OC 4.5 0646-2045 27 NGC2359 EN 11.0 0719-1313 27 C58/NGC2360 OC 7.2 0718-1538 27 C64/NGC2362 OC 4.1 0719-2457 27 epsilonCMa DS 1.5 0659-2858 27 h3945 DS 5.0 0717-2318 27 CAPRICORNUS M30 GC 7.5 2141-2309 77 alphaCap DS 3.6 2018-1233 66 betaCap DS 3.4 2021-1447 66 CASSIOPEIA M52 OC 6.9 2325+6138 03 M103 OC 7.4 0134+6044 03 NGC129 OC 6.5 0030+6017 03 C17/NGC147 GX 9.3 0034+4833 03 C18/NGC185 GX 9.2 0039+4823 03 NGC281 EN 7.0 0053+5640 03 C13/NGC457 OC 6.4 0120+5823 03 C8/NGC559 OC 9.5 0130+6320 01 C10/NGC663 OC 7.1 0147+6117 01 C11/NGC7635 EN — 2321+6115 71 NGC7789 OC 6.7 2357+5647 03 IC289 PN 13.1 0311+6121 02 Cr463 OC 5.7 0148+7157 01 Stock2 OC 4.4 0215+5916 01 Mark6 OC 7.1 0230+6039 01 Mel15 OC 6.5 0233+6127 01 Tr3 OC 7.0 0312+6315 01 etaCas DS 3.4 0049+5749 03 iotaCas DS 4.0 0229+6724 01 sigmaCas DS 5.0 2359+5545 03 CEPHEUS C2/NGC40 PN 11.0 0013+7235 71 C1/NGC188 OC 8.1 0045+8523 71 NGC6939 OC 7.8 2032+6040 61 C12/NGC6946 GX 8.9 2035+6011 61 C4/NGC7023 CN 7.0 2101+6812 71 NGC7129 RN 12.0 2141+6608 71 NGC7160 OC 6.1 2154+6238 71 NGC7235 OC 7.7 2213+5719 71 C9/Sh2-155 DN — 2257+6237 71 betaCep DS 3.2 2129+7034 71 deltaCep DS 3.9 2229+5825 71 xiCep DS 4.4 2204+6438 71 Struve 2816 DS 5.6 2139+5729 73 CETUS M77 GX 8.8 0243+0001 04 C56/NGC246 PN 8.0 0047-1150 07 C62/NGC247 GX 8.9 0047-2043 07 NGC936 GX 10.1 0228-0107 04 C51/IC1613 GX 9.3 0105+0207 05 gammaCet DS 3.5 0243+0314 04 COLUMBA C73/NGC1851 GC 7.3 0514-4003 18 COMA BERENICES M53 GC 7.7 1313+1807 45 M64 GX 8.5 1257+2138 45 M85 GX 9.2 1226+1808 C M88 GX 9.5 1232+1422 C M91 GX 10.2 1236+1427 C M98 GX 10.1 1214+1451 C M99 GX 9.8 1219+1422 C M100 GX 9.4 1223+1546 C NGC4274 GX 10.4 1220+2934 45 NGC4414 GX 10.3 1227+3110 45 NGC4494 GX 9.9 1232+2544 45 C36/NGC4559 GX 9.9 1236+2755 45 C38/NGC4565 GX 9.6 1237+2556 45 NGC4725 GX 9.2 1251+2527 45 C35/NGC4889 GX 11.4 1300+2755 45 Mel 111 OC 1.8 1225+2600 45 24 Com DS 5.2 1235+1823 45 CORONA AUSTRALIS C68/NGC6729 EN 9.7 1902-3657 69 CORONA BOREALIS zetaCrB DS 5.1 1539+3638 53 sigmaCrB DS 5.6 1615+3352 53 CORVUS C60/NGC4038 GX 10.7 1202-1855 47 C61/NGC4039 GX 13.0 1202-1856 47 NGC4361 PN 10.0 1225-1851 47 deltaCrv DS 3.0 1230-1631 47 CYGNUS M29 OC 6.6 2024+3834 62 M39 OC 4.6 2132+4828 62 NGC6819 OC 7.3 1942+4012 62 C15/NGC6826 PN 10.0 1945+5032 62 C27/NGC6888 EN 7.5 2012+3822 62 NGC6910 OC 7.4 2023+4049 62 C34/NGC6960 SN — 2046+3045 62 C33/NGC6992-5 SN — 2057+3145 62 C20/NGC7000 EN 6.0 2059+4422 62 NGC7027 PN 10.0 2107+4216 62 NGC7063 OC 7.0 2125+3632 62 C19/IC5146 CN 10.0 2154+4718 73 betaCyg DS 3.1 1931+2758 62 31 Cyg DS 3.8 2014+4644 62 61 Cyg DS 5.2 2107+3845 62 DELPHINUS C47/NGC6934 GC 8.7 2034+0724 64 C42/NGC7006 GC 10.6 2102+1611 64 gammaDel DS 4.5 2047+1607 64 DRACO M102 GX 10.0 1507+5544 42 C3/NGC4236 GX 9.7 1217+6928 41 NGC5907 GX 10.4 1516+5619 42 NGC6503 GX 10.2 1749+7009 61 C6/NGC6543 PN 8.8 1759+6638 51 muDra DS 5.7 1705+5428 52 nuDra DS 4.9 1732+5511 52 psiDra DS 4.9 1742+7209 51 16/17 Dra DS 5.4 1636+5255 52 40/41 Dra DS 5.7 1800+8000 51 ERIDANIS NGC1232 GX 9.9 0310-2035 17 NGC1535 PN 10.4 0414-1244 17 32 Eri DS 4.8 0354-0257 17 55 Eri DS 6.7 0444-0848 16 FORNAX C67/NGC1097 GX 9.2 0246-3017 06 GEMINI M35 OC 5.1 0609+2420 25 NGC2158 OC 8.6 0608+2406 25 NGC2371/2 PN 11.0 0726+2929 25 C39/NGC2392 PN 9.9 0729+2055 25 alphaGem DS 1.9 0735+3153 25 deltaGem DS 3.5 0720+2159 25 HERCULES M13 GC 5.9 1642+3627 52 M92 GC 6.5 1717+4307 52 NGC6210 PN 9.0 1645+2348 54 alphaHer DS 3.5 1715+1423 52 deltaHer DS 3.1 1715+2450 54 kappaHer DS 5.3 1608+1703 55 rhoHer DS 4.6 1724+3709 52 95 Her DS 5.0 1802+2136 54 HYDRA M48 OC 5.8 0814-0549 26 M68 GC 8.2 1240-2648 47 M83 GX 7.6 1337-2954 47 C59/NGC3242 PN 8.6 1025-1838 37 C66/NGC5694 GC 10.2 1440-2632 46 N Hya DS 5.8 1132-2916 36 LACERTA NGC7209 OC 7.7 2205+4630 73 C16/NGC7243 OC 6.4 2215+4953 73 8 Lac DS 5.7 2236+3938 72 LEO M65 GX 9.3 1119+1302 34 M66 GX 9.0 1121+1256 34 M95 GX 9.7 1044+1139 34 M96 GX 9.2 1047+1146 34 M105 GX 9.3 1048+1232 34 NGC2903 GX 8.9 0933+2128 35 NGC3384 GX 10.0 1049+1235 34 NGC3521 GX 8.9 1106-0005 34 NGC3607 GX 10.0 1117+1800 34 C40/NGC3626 GX 10.9 1121+1818 34 NGC3628 GX 9.5 1121+1333 34 alphaLeo DS 1.4 1008+1158 35 gammaLeo DS 2.2 1020+1951 35 54 Leo DS 4.5 1056+2445 34 LEO MINOR NGC3003 GX 11.7 0949+3323 33 NGC3344 GX 10.0 1044+2452 35 NGC3432 GX 11.3 1023+3634 33 LEPUS M79 GC 8.0 0525-2433 16 HR1944 DS 6.4 0539-1751 16 gammaLep DS 3.8 0545-2227 16 LIBRA NGC5897 GC 8.6 1518-2103 57 alphaLib DS 2.8 1451-1602 57 LYNX C25/NGC2419 GC 10.4 0739+3852 23 NGC2683 GX 9.7 0853+3323 22 12 Lyn DS 5.4 0646+5927 23 19 Lyn DS 5.6 0723+5517 23 38 Lyn DS 3.9 0919+3648 22 LYRA M56 GC 8.3 1917+3012 63 M57 PN 9.0 1854+3303 63 betaLyr DS 3.4 1850+3322 63 zetaLyr DS 4.3 1845+3736 63 epsilonLyr DS 5.0 1844+3940 63 Struve 2404 DS 6.9 1851+1059 63 O.Struve 525 DS 6.0 1855+3358 63 MONOCEROS M50 OC 5.9 0704-0821 27 NGC2232 OC 3.9 0627-0445 27 C50/NGC2244 OC 4.8 0633+0452 25 NGC2251 OC 7.3 0635+0822 25 C46/NGC2261 EN 10.0 0639+0844 25 NGC2264 CN 3.9 0642+0952 25 C49/NGC2237+ EN — 0631+0503 25 NGC2301 OC 6.0 0652+0027 25 NGC2343 OC 6.7 0709-1040 27 C54/NGC2506 OC 7.6 0801-1048 26 betaMon DS 4.7 0629-0702 27 epsilonMon DS 4.5 0624+0436 25 OPHIUCHUS M9 GC 7.9 1720-1831 56 M10 GC 6.6 1658-0126 56 M12 GC 6.6 1648-0158 56 M14 GC 7.6 1738-0315 56 M19 GC 7.2 1703-2617 56 M62 GC 6.6 1702-3008 56 M107 GC 8.1 1633-1304 56 NGC6369 PN 13.0 1730-2346 56 NGC6572 PN 9.0 1812+0651 65 NGC6633 OC 4.6 1828+0634 65 IC4665 OC 4.2 1746+0543 54 omicronOph DS 5.4 1718-2417 56 36 Oph DS 5.1 1715-2636 56 70 Oph DS 4.2 1806+0230 65 ORION M42 EN 3.9 0536-0527 16 M43 EN 9.0 0536-0516 16 M78 RN 8.0 0547+0003 16 NGC1662 OC 6.4 0449+1057 14 NGC1788 RN — 0507-0320 16 NGC1973+ EN — 0535-0444 B NGC1981 OC 4.6 0536-0426 16 NGC2022 PN 12.0 0543+0905 14 NGC2024 EN — 0542-0151 14 NGC2169 OC 5.9 0609+1357 14 NGC2194 OC 8.5 0614+1248 14 betaOri DS 0.1 0515-0812 16 deltaOri DS 2.2 0532-0018 16 theta1 Ori DS 5.4 0536-0523 B theta2 Ori DS 5.2 0536-0525 B iotaOri DS 2.8 0535-0555 B lambdaOri DS 3.6 0535+0956 14 sigmaOri DS 4.0 0539-0236 16 zetaOri DS 1.9 0541-0157 16 Struve 747 DS 4.8 0535-0600 B PEGASUS M15 GC 6.4 2130+1212 75 C30/NGC7331 GX 9.5 2237+3427 72 C44/NGC7479 GX 11.0 2305+1222 74 C43/NGC7814 GX 10.5 0004+1612 74 epsilonPeg DS 2.4 2144+0952 75 PERSEUS M34 OC 5.2 0243+4249 13 M76 PN 12.0 0143+5136 13 C14/NGC869 OC 4.0 0220+5711 13 C14/NGC884 OC 4.0 0223+5709 13 NGC1023 GX 9.5 0241+3906 13 C24/NGC1275 GX 11.6 0320+4133 13 NGC1342 OC 6.7 0332+3722 13 NGC1491 EN — 0404+5120 13 NGC1528 OC 6.4 0416+5115 13 NGC1582 OC 7.0 0433+4352 12 Tr2 OC 5.9 0237+5559 13 Mel20 OC 1.2 0322+4900 13 etaPer DS 3.8 0251+5554 13 Struve 331 DS 5.3 0301+5221 13 PISCES M74 GX 9.2 0137+1549 04 alphaPsc DS 4.2 0202+0246 04 zetaPsc DS 5.6 0113+0735 05 psi1 Psc DS 5.6 0106+2128 05 65 Psc DS 6.3 0050+2743 05 PUPPIS M46 OC 6.1 0742-1450 27 M47 OC 4.4 0737-1431 27 M93 OC 6.2 0745-2353 26 NGC2440 PN 11.0 0742-1814 26 C71/NGC2477 OC 5.8 0753-3834 28 NGC2527 OC 6.5 0806-2811 28 NGC2539 OC 6.5 0811-1251 26 NGC2571 OC 7.0 0819-2946 28 kappaPup DS 4.5 0739-2648 27 SAGITTA M71 GC 8.3 1954+1848 64 SAGITTARIUS M8 CN 5.8 1804-2423 67 M17 EN 6.0 1821-1611 67 M18 OC 6.9 1820-1708 67 M20 EN 6.3 1803-2302 67 M21 OC 5.9 1805-2635 67 M22 GC 5.1 1837-2354 67 M23 OC 5.5 1757-1901 67 M24 SC 4.6 1817-1850 67 M25 OC 4.6 1832-1915 67 M28 GC 6.9 1825-2452 67 M54 GC 7.7 1856-3028 67 M55 GC 7.0 1940-3057 66 M69 GC 7.7 1832-3221 67 M70 GC 8.1 1844-3217 67 M75 GC 8.6 2007-2154 66 NGC6445 PN 13.0 1750-2001 67 NGC6520 OC 8.0 1804-2754 67 NGC6716 OC 6.9 1855-1952 67 NGC6818 PN 10.0 1944-1408 66 C57/NGC6822 GX 9.0 1945-1447 66 SCORPIUS M4 GC 5.9 1624-2633 56 M6 OC 4.2 1741-3213 58 M7 OC 3.3 1754-3449 58 M80 GC 7.2 1617-2300 56 C75/NGC6124 OC 5.8 1626-4041 58 C76/NGC6231 OC 2.6 1654-4148 58 C69/NGC6302 PN 13.0 1714-3707 58 betaSco DS 2.6 1605-1948 56 nuSco DS 4.3 1612-1928 56 xiSco DS 4.8 1604-1122 56 Struve 1999 DS 7.4 1604-1127 56 SCULPTOR C72/NGC55 GX 8.0 0015-3908 78 C65/NGC253 GX 7.1 0048-2514 07 C70/NGC300 GX 9.0 0055-3738 09 SCUTUM M11 OC 5.8 1852-0615 67 M26 OC 8.0 1846-0923 67 NGC6712 GC 8.2 1854-0841 67 SERPENS CAPUT M5 GC 5.8 1519+0203 55 deltaSer DS 4.2 1535+1032 55 SERPENS CAUDA M16 CN 6.0 1819-1347 67 IC4756 OC 4.6 1839+0527 65 thetaSer DS 4.5 1856+0412 65 SEXTANS C53/NGC3115 GX 9.2 1006-0745 37 TAURUS M1 SN 8.4 0535+2201 14 M45 OC 1.2 0047+2407 15 NGC1514 PN 10.0 0410+3048 15 NGC1647 OC 6.4 OC 0446+1905 15 NGC1746 OC 6.0 0504+2350 14 NGC1807 OC 7.0 0511+1633 14 NGC1817 OC 7.7 0513+1643 14 C41/Mel25 OC 1.0 0427+1600 15 chiTau DS 5.5 0423+2538 15 118 Tau DS 5.8 0529+2509 14 TRIANGULUM M33 GX 5.7 0134+3041 02 iotaTri DS 5.3 0212+3018 02 URSA MAJOR M40 DS 9.0 1222+5805 32 M81 GX 6.9 0956+6902 31 M82 GX 8.4 0956+6939 31 M97 PN 11.2 1115+548 32 M101 GX 7.7 1403+5419 42 M108 GX 10.1 1112+5537 32 M109 GX 9.8 1158+5320 32 NGC2841 GX 9.3 0923+5056 33 NGC3079 GX 10.6 1003+5539 33 NGC3184 GX 9.8 1019+4123 33 NGC3877 GX 12.0 1147+4727 32 NGC3941 GX 11.0 1153+3656 32 NGC4026 GX 12.0 1200+5055 32 NGC4088 GX 10.5 1206+5030 32 NGC4157 GX 12.0 1212+5026 32 NGC4605 GX 11.0 1240+6134 32 zetaUMa DS 2.3 1324+5456 32 URSA MINOR alphaUMi DS 2.0 0232+8916 01 VELA C74/NGC3132 PN 8.2 1008-4026 VIRGO M49 GX 8.4 1230+0757 C M58 GX 9.8 1238+1146 C M59 GX 9.8 1242+1136 C M60 GX 8.8 1244+1130 C M61 GX 9.7 1222+0425 45 M84 GX 9.3 1226+1250 C M86 GX 9.2 1227+1254 C M87 GX 8.6 1231+1221 C M89 GX 9.8 1236+1230 C M90 GX 9.5 1237+1307 C M104 GX 8.3 1240-1140 47 NGC4216 GX 10.0 1216+1306 C NGC4388 GX 11.1 1226+1237 C NGC4438 GX 10.1 1228+1258 C NGC4517 GX 10.5 1233+0004 45 NGC4526 GX 9.6 1234+0739 C NGC4535 GX 9.8 1235+0809 C NGC4567/8 GX 11.3 1237+1112 C C52/NGC4697 GX 9.3 1249-0551 47 NGC4699 GX 9.6 1249-0843 47 NGC4762 GX 10.2 1253+1111 C NGC5746 GX 10.6 1445+0155 44 gammaVir DS 3.5 1242-0127 45 VULPECULA M27 PN 8.1 2000+2244 64 NGC6802 OC 8.8 1931+2017 64 NGC6823 CN 7.1 1943+2319 64 C37/NGC6882-5 OC 6.0 2012+2630 64 NGC6940 OC 6.3 2035+2820 64 Cr 399 OC 3.6 1925+2011 64 *****
  4. *new* Messier Marathon | Sharpshooting Galaxies In Downtown Virgo https://youtu.be/BdcPrhssAHs *preview* Saturn Ring Plane Crossing 2025 https://youtu.be/Sv_qsDYLH4Y Happy holidays, Stephen PAC/Astronomical League https://saberdoesthestars.wordpress.com/ http://www.tinyurl.com/c14isawesome
  5. Jupiter and Saturn's 2020 grand tease (conjunction) gave us a bright, beautiful doublestar naked-eye, and it was nice viewing them in the same scope field. But I wanted more. Blowing the dust off a 20-year-old Celestia planetarium software CD, I tweaked the event parallax into a full occultation. This triggered a bucket list of location/time based planetary, sun, and moon event simulations that might be observed with future space flight capabilities. There's some other astro-related clips made just for kicks as well. If anything, it's been cheap therapy to help get me through countless cloudy nights. Enjoy. http://www.youtube.com/@saberzastrovidz Peace, Stephen PAC/Astronomical League http://www.tinyurl.com/saberdoesthestarz http://www.tinyurl.com/c14isawesome
  6. video at https://www.youtube.com/@saberzastrovidz jupiter occasionally tolerates a paparazzi fieldstar posing as a galilean to snap some pics (after all, many have light that has traveled hundreds of years for the encounter). but mars is welcomed as family, with ganymede even timing a special shadow transit for the red planet's visit. *created with celestia* also see http://www.tinyurl.com/c14isawesome http://www.tinyurl.c...berdoesthestarz related searches: astronomical league, hubble's caldwell catalogue, messier-caldwell marathon, m-cubed, messier marathon from memory, deepsky lists/concordiem borealis, c14 is awesome, saber does the stars, saber's beads, saberscorpx, stephen saber, starhoppers guide to the herschel 400
  7. video at: https://youtu.be/mI0TAm8Klzk parallax-tweaked version of the dec 2020 jup-sat conjunction. even with jove well past opposition it nearly covers saturn's ringspan. also see http://www.tinyurl.com/c14isawesome http://www.tinyurl.com/saberdoesthestarz http://www.youtube.com/@saberzvidz [created with celestia] related searches: messier-caldwell marathon, m-cubed, messier marathon from memory, deepsky lists/concordiem borealis, saber does the stars, saber's beads, saberscorpx, stephen saber, starhoppers guide to the herschel 400
  8. also see http://www.tinyurl.com/c14isawesome http://www.tinyurl.com/saberdoesthestarz http://www.youtube.com/@saberzvidz related searches: messier-caldwell marathon, m-cubed, messier marathon from memory, deepsky lists/concordiem borealis, saber does the stars, saber's beads, saberscorpx, starhoppers guide to the herschel 400
  9. To celebrate the 25th anniversary of Sir Patrick's DSO catalogue, I've added the available Caldwells to my basic Marathon search sequence. Those interested may be pleasantly surprised by how many of the additional treasures are only a short hop from a given (or en route to the next) Messier. The sequence for 40°N can be found at the SEDS Messier Marathon homepage or at my blog. Peace, Stephen
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