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Posts posted by LorenzoMs


    Thank you for the warm welcome. I will start to read the forum and try to give an help where I can.

    7 hours ago, teoria_del_big_bang said:

    Don't know if you used a translator for that post but if not I would say nothing wrong with your English.

    No I didn't use any translator. Online translation from Italian to any language is quite bad. However, I was assisted by a vocabulary :icon_biggrin: . My situation is not a tragedy. I have the tendency to exaggerate. Due to my work I always read books and papers in English. I also write my papers in English. However, writing is much easier than speaking. I  know my concern about speaking are unjustified and I need to overcome it. I met always nice people since I am here and ready to help. Moreover, like has been said above speaking is the only way to improve my skills and there isn't a better topic than astronomy! I have many things to say about!

    I know about Irregular astronomers. I will join their next meeting for sure. Unfortunately, I missed the previous one since I was moving in my new home.


    2 hours ago, carastro said:

    I understand your concerns about driving too far in a strange country on the other side of the road, but hopefully you will soon get used to that.  

    There are a number of star parties in the UK every year, PhotoGav already mentioned the SGL star party to you, and there is also a big one in September in Norfolk.  Our local group from SE London?NW Kent go regularly to a campsite in East Sussex, but you would need a tent for most of these if you are interested, they are also a good way to meet like minded people.

    I tried once in Ireland. During holiday we drove for more than 1000 km! And I never got used to it. I always put a wheel outside the road on the left side and it's better we don't talk about rearview mirrors entering in towns :grin:. I should try again! Is there a sign such as "please stay away from me: I am used to drive on the other side" I could use in the car? :grin::grin:
    No problem for the tent. I like to sleep in a tent. I always used one when I went to see stars in Italy. If I need I can go to decathlon and buy a tent and a sleeping bag. My only concern is the electricity, in particular if I get real telescope. In Italy I always had electricity so I don't know what I need to run without.

    What is the local group you are speaking about? 
    Do you have a website? Where can I read about meetings? I would like to join. 


    See you soon under the stars!

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  2. Hello everybody.
    My name is Lorenzo and I am an amateur astronomer from Rome, Italy. I am writing since I moved in London one month ago where I will work for the next two years and I would like to introduce myself in UK astronomy world.
    First  I am going to tell you something about me. I am 30 years old and I am a physicist. I got a PhD in material science, then I moved during postdoc to X-ray imaging field. After two years in Rome, more than half year in France, I moved to London for a postdoc position at the University College on a really amazing project.
    I have also passion for astrophotography and photography. The first since I was 10. I tried several telescopes, mount and accessories. My current setup is a FSQ106Ed telescope or Epsilon180 on a paramount MYT mount and Moravian G3-16200 ccd. I have also a Coronado PST and a stellarvue 102 refractor. If you are interested you can find my shots in my astrobin profile https://www.astrobin.com/users/LorenzoM/.

    Unfortunately, I gave up with astronomy for more than a year. First, the earthquake in center Italy destroyed the place where I was used to go. Then, I moved in France and finally in London.
    I couldn't bring the heavy setup with me. Moreover, I sold the FSQ106 to help my relocation in France and UK and I was never able to get the epsilon 180 working properly. However, when I was in France I started to build a portable setup including a Ioptron SmartEQ mount and photograhpic 300mm f4 Canon lens coupled with Canon 6D that I use also for normal photography and thus it is not modified. 
    This setup has not seen the first light yet and I would like to add guiding system. 

    Now, I am looking for a real telescope. I placed an add for an used epsilon 130, since I would like to continue to fight with these fast reflectors.

    Like I said, I've never seen stars yet in UK. Main for two reasons. First because I don't know locations or anyone and I am still embarrassed to speak since I am not fluent in English . Second, because I am a little bit scared about taking a car and driving for miles in UK. 
    I hope to overtake these problems soon since it is also the best way to improve my English!!!

    As first thing I think I will join meeting of amateur astronomers in Regent's park in London. I know that I will see only planets from London's center but it is a way to meet somebody. And also to look at Jupiter with a real telescope. I will try to get some night landscapes with my canon. You can have fun with long exposures also on the ground :icon_biggrin:

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