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Everything posted by keme

  1. Collimation was kind of a pain to start with. No matter what I did I couldnt get the laser to line up with the doughnut, there was a point where all screws were tight and wouldnt budge anymore. Anyway slackened the main screw for the Secondary ever so slightly and this made things 100 times easier, possibly over tightened at factory?
  2. Cheers for the replies, received the screws on the first link. work perfect, managed to collimate just fine, but 45mm might be a tad too long. all 3 stick out a bit, 40 might have been better, but the heads are just the right size that they stay within the shadow of the secondary mirror. Cheers Folks
  3. Cheers for the tip Dave, last thing I want is something dropping where it shouldnt cheers
  4. From the original scotsman. Cheers for the replies, ordered from the first link Getting some nice skies up here unfortunatly until the screws arrive I am missing out
  5. Afternoon Folks So i received my Skywatcher 200p dob, and after a few days got my collimation laser. Problem so far is that one of the screws on the secondary mirror has been threaded so i am unable to get the hex to grip. Are there replacements to be bought? If so are there better ones to choose from rather than hex?
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