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  1. Thanks for the extra info Dave I'll be sure to chase a pre-90s used one on ebay, now I know what to look for with the serial numbers it should be easy (will get one with a little more magnification if I can) (Mind you I just had to spend $300australian/150pounds on fishing gear to replace what I lost overboard on my kayak a couple days ago so it might be a little "financial recovery time" first lols) I'll make note of the brands you mentioned mate, and keep my eye out for a good deal in a month or so I reckon. Thanks heaps guys you have all been really helpful and its muchly appreciated Have a tops day fellas
  2. Pretty interesting and tumultuous company history from the sounds of it. Thanks for the extra info mate, I might chase up another set at some stage with a little more magnification as I'm really impressed with these ones (they are physically substantially smaller, with more magnification power/clarity compared to my Hanimex binoculars - so much easier to store on a small kayak where space is limited) My dad used them on his houseboats for years - I assume quite often from the condition of them now hahahahha, kinda nice to know the gift was appreciated and well used though. I really appreciate your time and knowledge mate cheers!
  3. Thanks heaps Nigel Nailed the info I was after and more (Ive had a cannon camera with carl zeiss lens thinking about it, guess the Russians copied them pretty good as my camera lens was great too) I thought they might be much older from the beat up condition of the binoculars hahahahaha, but I'm really impressed with picture quality they have. Now I know its not from some war a relative of mine might of been to - I'm happy to use them on my fishing kayak (I suddenly don't like my other binoculars so much after seeing the clarity of these ones lols)
  4. Thanks mate - any info at all helps, I will start searching again and see what I can find with the new info cheers
  5. forgot to upload these - not real scientific but I stuck my phone up to each of the binoculars the first photo is Hanimex 7x50 the 2nd photo is these ones made in USSR 8x30 can kind of see how I was surprised by the difference in picture, the old Hanimex binoculars I have suck in comparison? maybe the lens is dirty inside or somthing
  6. I recently got a set of binoculars back from my dads estate (my nan had given them to me when I was a kid, and I had given them to dad decades ago) Just curious if anybody has any information on them, seems to be Russian writing and I noticed they are exceptionally clear when compared to another set of binoculars I have. they are 8x30 and have a serial number 8319210 and say they are made in the USSR but that's about all I can see on it (apart from cryllic? writing I cant type so included photos) I really don't know anything about binoculars to be honest but curiosity is getting the better of me today (just got them back today)
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