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Posts posted by RuralBill

  1. I would use Cotswold chippings instead of pea shingle, as the chippimgs compact down and form a nice firm path but not rock solid, and peas shingle is harder to walk on and makes a hell of a noise when walking up and down.

    i have had Cotswold all round my house for 10 years, best thing I ever did, put it down around 4" thick, within 18 months there is now a solid base with about 1" of loose chippings on the top, so nice and firm.

    Bill :)

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  2. Your camer is a Toucam II and not a pro II that is your problem.....you have the wrong camera for astronomy use, it will,not be supported by the flashing software as they are not used for astronomy, for a few different reasons, one being they have a CMOS sensor and not a CCD which the others have, so no where near as sensitive....

    sorry to be the bearer of bad news....


  3. 1 hour ago, Stub Mandrel said:

    That's the route I have followed, but wcrsmac says my camera isn't supported.

    If it a Toucam Pro II to it will be an 840, not 820

    it sounds like you just have the normal Toucam fun or XS which are no good really for astronomy, you need the Toucam pro or Pro II, they are the ones supported by the software, and used for astronomy...

    the pro is white and shaped like an egg, the pro II is all silver with a stand on the bottom......

    can you show a picture of it...


  4. 19 minutes ago, Stub Mandrel said:

    Will a Windows 2K machine do - I have one in a drawer?

    I don't know have never used one for the flash upgrade, I have the files needed but you also,need the software that does the actual upgrade too, and not sure where you can get that from, I have it installed but not the origonal install file.

    if you do find it than you have to do a couple of things 

    first connect the Toucam to the XP computer with the Toucam drivers and start sharp cap so you get an image on the screen

    then start the flash software and connect the camer to it while sharpcap is still running in the background, then select the upgrade flash Bin file, and start the upgrade, it will tell you when it is done.

    then go back to sharpcap and the camera will be not working, so close that and unplug the camera, then plug back in and load the SPC900 drivers, then start sharpcap again and you should see that it is connected to a SCP900 camer now.

    it is very important to have the camera connect o and running in sharpcap before and during the upgrade, or it won't work properly and you can mess up,the whole process and ruin the camera.


  5. Hi,

    the Toucam II WONT work with win 8 or 10 with its native drivers, you have to flash upgrade the camera with the newer

    Philips  SPC900nc  firmware, and then it uses those drivers which will work.....

    i can do the flash upgrade for you as I have the software and the firmware to do it, and the flash upgrade also can only be done on an XP machine

    hope that helps


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