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Posts posted by Dbswales

  1. 2 hours ago, alacant said:

    IC1396 en cefeo. I tried this before without a filter but got a flat nebula which was hard to process. This is an experiment with a CLS; easier and there's more detail. Any comments most welcome, especially from anyone who has used CLS with the 130. Clear skies and thanks for looking.

    ** oh, and the streak. A bit of a mystery as it doesn't appear on any of the light frames. There's always something....


    Fabulous image. Impressive and just what I need to see when my mojo is sooooooo low. Thanks for posting.?

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  2. Hi everyone. This is my first image on my 130pds. I didn't manage to get many subs as I was trying to image it before it went behind next doors tree! 

    Hopefully it's recognizable to you as M42 but I had so much pleasure seeing 'something' when it went through DSS and Pixinsight.

    I know it's not the best but I can't help feeling totally chuffed to bits with it.



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  3. I'm another who has only been here for a short while but has been amazed by the other members here. Firstly, incredibly friendly and absolutely top advice no matter how silly or stupid the poster may feel by asking the question. This has been a massive plus for me as I've been around long enough and been a member of so many different 'hobby' pastimes, that when met with condescending or just rude opinions normally make that particular hobby or pastime not worth pursuing. 

    The advice here is second to none. The best Ive received in numerous other forums. Really is quite refreshing to be here and wish that other forums that Ive been part of took a leaf out of the way that members help each other here instead of just trolling.

    So thanks SGL for making this place somewhere to enjoy and while away the hours together with gaining some knowledge until the cloud decides to let us play!!


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