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Nigel G

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Image Comments posted by Nigel G

  1. 31 minutes ago, Peco4321 said:

    Great image. Quick question about different exposures in DSS, do you just stack them all in the same processing run, so lights of varying exposures, bias, darks etc all in one go?  


    I add all the images in one stack, with flat frames and bias frames, We have found darks not beneficial with Alt-AZ mounts. I have not tried layering stacked images yet.

    Adding short exposures helps with brighter parts of objects, example M42 with 60s and 10s subs, all stacked in one process, after stretching with ST, using photoshop express I can reduce highlights and increase shadows to bring out good detail in the core.



  2. 2 hours ago, Woolnut said:

    Great mosaic! I see you have the same 'scope as myself, would you recommend the Orion Star Shoot? I want to get into imaging soon!

    Thanks. For planetary imaging its very good, not so good for Deep sky.  DSLR better for DSO's.

    DSLR is a better all rounder.

    Beware that with a DSLR you will not be able to prime focus without focuser modifications with the Star Discovery. You can connect a DSLR with a barlow lens but not direct.

    If you have any issues contact me, I have records of the modifications needed.


  3. 16 hours ago, Larryb said:

    Absolutely beautiful.  What 6" go to do you have?  I would love to use this image for my profile photo if you give me permission.

    I have uploaded my latest photo of the Orion nebula which is a bit better, feel free to use if you like.


  4. Hi Larry 

    Thanks, it's one of my favourites,  after maybe 25 attempts I got the photo .

    I  have the Skywatcher star discovery 150p synscan goto. 

    Your welcome to use for your  profile. 




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