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    Ely, Cambs

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  1. Thanks for everyone's help. I deleted my EQMOD INI files and it sorted out the problem. I then went onto drift align with PolarAlignMax, which was OK. But last night I used 'Alignmaster' for the 1st time, and it is brilliant. After about 4 refinements, I tried some unguided tracking at 5 mins (300 sec) with no star trailing. I think it could do even more! Brilliant. Now I am worried that autoguiding may upset the mount.
  2. Thanks, One question the sidereal rate in EQMOD is set to: SIDEREAL_RATE=15.041067 Should this be different due to the different gears in the EQ8 compared to the EQ6?
  3. Hi, What a time I am having with this EQ8, shame it's not a good one. I used the handset to perform the 2 star alignment, then went through the polar alignment routine on 2 different stars, about 3 times each. I got the polar alignment pretty close by using my Atik camera on the PC monitor. The mount continued to track well with the handset, I parked, turned off. Connected EQMOD cable, powered up, unparked, resync'ed encoders and then went to find Capella to sync on to start building my points list in EQMOD. Well once I got to Capella and the Sidereal rate was on, the stars were zipping past on the PC monitor - but hadn't I just polar aligned successfully via the handset? But it felt like the tracking wasn't even on in EQMOD even though it said it was. Has anybody come across this problem? Thanks Daniel
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