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Everything posted by Mattiman

  1. Hi there I am relocating to Europe (Poland) in the very near future from New Zealand and I was wondering if any of you could share some knowledge around astro magazines for that part of the world. I have had a look online but aren't having much luck navigating as there are so many different ones. Cheers
  2. Wow thanks guys I've read some of binocular sky's info and have canned the idea of zoom binoculars
  3. Below is the books I have for astronomy. I am a binocular observer and I live in Auckland New Zealand. (In the Southern Hemisphere) Are there any other books that you people here would recommend I add to this bunch keeping in mind that I do binocular astronomy. I don't have any plans to purchase a telescope (well not in the near future at least) Besides these books I also have a pair of Saxon 30x80 binoculars which are used on a tripod. I'm also looking at getting a smaller pair of binoculars to go with the bigger pair. (see my other post about this) If you need some more information, please let me know. Any advice would be much appreciated. I look forward to your replies. Cheers Matthew
  4. Hey there peeps, I'm looking at getting a smaller pair of binoculars. I have a pair of Saxon 30x80s that I use mounted to a tripod as these are simply too heavy /shaky to hand hold. I am looking at the Nikon 10x50 or the Nikon 10-22x50 zoom binoculars. These will be used to scan the guy and identify constellations. while the bigger ones I will use to show more detail & "hone in" on the object in question. However I am open to other opinions and options too. If anyone could offer me some advice on this (even other magnifications, brands etc.) that would be awesome! I'm in Auckland New Zealand, if that helps. I look forward to your response (s)
  5. cheers for the replies and help guys much appreciated
  6. hey people, was wondering if this book is a good book to read to get an understanding of astronomy in general and to learn about astronomy https://www.amazon.com/Understanding-Universe-Third-Stacy-Palen/dp/0393631710 cheers
  7. Does anyone here go to places other than their backyard to observe? how safe would it be to go to say the middle of a public park away from streetlights and observe from there every once in a while? is there anyone here who does this? do you have any tips. i live in NZ and are trying to think of new ideas/places to go to observe, i live in a city unfortunately so have to deal with an annoying street light outside my home which blocks a lot out!!! GRRR. I dont belong to any astronomy clubs. i observe with a pair of big binos and a tripod along with a bag o books full of info. and a tablet for the tekky stuff. i a.so have access to a car any advice/ help/ tips would be much appreciated
  8. hi people! here are some photos of my Saxon 30x80 WP Binoculars the tripod for those of you that are wondering is a Celestron trailseeker, my apologies for the taped up plate... i screwed it on too tight and so the tape is a temporary fix while i wait for a replacement! i look forward to your comments on these P.S. the last picture is of a water trough for cows that is about 600 meters away from my home. i took it with a digital camera against the lens so im sorry for the bad quality. also the smaller pictures are because there is a 1 MB limit and i couldn't fit them all in, but i tried my best
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