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Everything posted by mbristol

  1. Hi Martin, It's about 3 years down the road, but this morning the same thing happened to me as to you November 1, 2014. A slewing to the low east "unhinged", loosened, the declination. It was indeed the declination clutch lever that had been loosened while passing too close to the declination motor housing. As Louise said the lever needed adjusting, so that while tight, when needing to pass by the declination drive housing, it would not touch that housing at all. As for her, so for me, I found that a good position for the lever when tightened is parallel to the declination housing. When loosening the drive, the lever should be going towards and into the stop. You can check that the lever passes the declination housing OK, by loosening, moving the drive over the declination housing and then tightening. Nothing should be touching, there should always be a gap between the tightened lever and the housing, for the whole of the travel over the housing. Thanks for the posting above. Michael
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