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Posts posted by Gareth88

  1. I decided to empty my wallet some more and buy the polemaster which is a incredible camera for the money, and I can accurately polar align within 5 minutes, I can then get subs of about 3 minutes just using the mount ? well worth the money ? and very easy to use

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  2. 3 hours ago, Miguel1983 said:

    Just to point out the incredible tracking accuracy of this mount, when i was imaging M45 this week, i forgot to activate tracking in PHD2, i realised this halfway in a 5min sub but i let it run just to see the result, here it is. 



    I’m blown away by the accuracy of the mount tbh, think you’re better at polar aligning than myself ha! Here’s mine .. a 49x2 minutes on horseshead 


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  3. So here’s a test shot ( just stars! Nothing to special like a galaxy or nebula)  with the zwo 1600mm pro mono, I had a brief window of about a hour and half last night, I polar aligned, and then took a couple of pictures, first one I forgot to put the guiding on in eqmod. Star trails galore... 

    i then enabled guiding within eqmod.


    this was just pointing straight up , with a 20 sec exposure with my esprit 80, on the eq6-r, no darks or lights just a single shot with just the camera, first light, and no phd guiding as I forgot to get the right attachment! Dosey I am at times ha! 

    I have now downloaded all the stuff needed to platesolve so hopefully on the next time I get out I will have something of interest to show ... 



  4. Hi everyone, I’m now a proud new owner of a eq6-r! 


    Decided to to give it a test to see how the polar scope is, and it’s abit out! Clouds rocked in and today a job of calibrating the scope with a distant tv Ariel is in order -_- 


    its a beautiful mount, and my esprit 80 just looks beautiful sat on it ^_^ can’t wait for clear skies! And test it with the zwo1600 ? 



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