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Posts posted by dodgerroger

  1. He has had my mount for 15 weeks now. Emails rarely answered, managed to speak with him 3 weeks ago and was told my mount was ready and just needed testing. I sent an email a couple of days ago asking for an update and no reply. Why advertise 4/5 turn around when he must know this won’t happen. I’ll be ringing tomorrow and if I don’t get answer I’ll be requesting a refund. I hope his work is better than the customer service. 

  2. Hi folks, I see there is a lot of discussion on here regarding different manufactures of filter but my question is are the new 3.5 nm filters worth the extra £££££ over the cheaper 6nm filters? I am looking to upgrade my cheap Oiii filter which is giving very bad halos. 


  3. I was just checking my images, it’s the first time I’ve used fits lib and thought oh why is it showing clipped pixels. I was looking at the linear histogram and thinking the offset is set to low. It has come about from trying different exposures and gains and want to make sure I have enough offset when I start changing gain values

  4. Hi folks, please help. I am experimenting with fits liberator to find the correct offset for my camera. This is a screen shot of an image using the default gain and offset. The blue dots as i understand it are showing the clipped black pixels.So am i correct in thinking I need a higher offset? I believe i do especially when looking at the histogram. Could someone with experience of this confirm.  Thanks in advance

    Screenshot 2020-11-30 203709.png

  5. Last year I upgraded from dslr to a dedicated camera. After a lot of head scratching I went to mono, namely a 183mm. It has brought my imaging on in great leaps although I am still learning. One of my iterating habits with my dslr was image hopping. I would end up with loads of different targets on my pc with little data on each target and not a great deal to show for it. Mono has forced me to pick a target and stick with it over several nights to collect a good amount of data, which in turn I now spend more time processing that one image. I bought some narrowband filters as well which has been great fun

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  6. There are many like it but this is my Elephant trunk, looks more like a ghostly figure to me though. Shot with AA183MM, SW72ED and processed in pixinsight. Please feel free to give me any pointers for improving this image, all greatly received.


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