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Posts posted by ZOG

  1. I well remember FLO's birth, in fact I bought my first scope from Steve back in the day. This was followed by my Flextube and assorted bits and pieces over the last few years and this week I ordered a shiny new CG5-GT mount. It arrived next day, unpacked it and oops, wheres the dovetail. A quick call to Steve was all it needed and the dovetail arrived the following day.

    Same day I was having a problem with the mount, another call to FLO and James had me sorted out in short order.

    It's great to see, a few years down the line, when the initial enthusiasm has waned, that FLO is still providing an excellent service to it's customers, in fact most folk would tell you that Steve and James are far more like friends than retailers.

    Steve has a great business model going, and in these days when everything seems to be going faster it's nice to know that there's someone out there who actually cares about their customers.

    Long may it continue.

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