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Posts posted by lnlarxg

  1. Clear sky and weather meant I was able to do some more astrophotography on Monday night.

    took a really long walk at 1am and found this perfect spot for this planetary shot, air was thin and very cold, but luckily my lens didn’t fog up. My heavy quadruplet felt very light so balancing was not an issue

    401 shots of 0.5s exposures with SW Esprit 150 on SW SA mini.  stacked in DSS and processed in Photoshop, final tweaks in Lightroom 



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  2. 15 hours ago, Plodder said:

    This pair are always a difficult, the background would benefit from SCNR as it is very green, a good mask and a background desaturation would make a big difference. Very nice otherwise. 

    Thanks I didn’t notice the green until you say so, I think my pc monitor has a slight different tonne to my iPad screen.

  3. Processed data acquired from March. 1hr integration with Canon 550d + CLS filter & SW250Quattro, not started guiding/dithering a year ago but had the polemaster for bang on polar alignment, so it wasn’t too bad for 12x5min subs

    Very useful masks made utilising Starnet++ in PixInsight, which helped isolating stars and structures for more aggressive background noise reduction to clean up the noisy canon550d at iso3200.  




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  4. Last of the few targets i shot with the canon550d-modded back in Mar/Apr.  although have now moved onto a cooled OSC, I still won’t part with my modded DSLR, they are still great in my humble opinion 

    24x180s exposures on SW250F4



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  5. 32x300s exposure, asi294mc-pro+NBX filter on sw 10” quattro 

    as you can see, it’s shaped not too far off the real thing!

    really happy the filaments are quite well captured, though wish I have a x-ray scope as this object is even better in x-ray (i heard)!




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  6. 18 hours ago, Jamgood said:
    Orion from last night. Very pleased with this one.
    12 x 300 - 12 x 30 - 12 x 10 Lights
    12 x Darks for each set of Lights
    30 x Bias
    30 x Flats


    wonderful image! more I look more appealing it becomes

    How did you combine the 3 different exposures into 1? Did you simply chuck them all into the stacker? Or stacked separately first, then combined, if so which software did you use for the final integration?

    thanks :)

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  7. Hi wondering if anyone can help.  

    Can light frames in .fits format be stacked with master dark/flat/bias frames in .tiff?

    when stacking light frames in .fits format, with each of master calibration frames in .tiff, really bad final picture comes out 

    but if I chose all the .fits darks/flats/bias (the individual frames that make up the master), for stacking with the .fits light frames, the stacking Result is fine

    Do master Calibration frames need to be in same format as the light frames?

    you can see the picture on the right is the bad one.  Both had a simple stretch in PIxinsight



  8. 3 hours ago, Astrid said:

    Hi! Is the 130PDS good for visual observations too? And is it worth spending a bit more for the 150PDS? Thank you 😄 

    I think it’s pretty good. Not a planet killer due to short focal length, but still offers great planetary viewing, you can make out Jupiter’s bands and the division on Saturn’s ring. Moon looks very very good 

    for shy of 200£ you get quite good aperture, you can see brighter Nebula but they will be fuzzy, bearing in mind even through a 12” dob the deep sky objects are still dim and fuzzy

    but for astrophotography, wow it is brilliant, good aperture and quite wide

    so I think it is a good visual scope for beginner to keen hobbyists, but pretty intermediate to advance for astrophotographers

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  9. 3 hours ago, alacant said:


     The effect is astigmatism and is common in the Baader cc. Centre field you're in focus. Left is due to inward focus error, right, outward focus error. Or vica versa. The in and out focus errors are because the camera's isn't held squarely in the light path. Even if it is, in my experience, there is still astigmatism.

    Astigmatism causes the 90º rotation of star elongation you are seeing toward lateral extremities and is also responsible for the uneven cross shape in the astigmatic stars. 

    If you can't live with it and correction in software isn't acceptable, either the 2 element sw or the 4 element gpu or GSO ccs would fix it. You could also try substituting the secondary mirror or using a camera with a smaller sensor.

    HTH and good luck.



    Think the 4 element cc is same as sw’s own apalanatic cc, at least similar. Bit pricier but really great results. I got mine for the f4 imaging Newtonian, thought why not try it on the 130pds and am very happy I tested it

  10. Revisited this data last week, lockdown boredom, was a 5hr shot taken in summer 2019 but I abandoned it as I didn’t know how to process it.

    Still bit rough but much better than last year’s effort



    last year’s 



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