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  1. Hi. So I’ve been having an issue with this scope for some time now. I have been in contact with the store I bought it off and going back and forth for some months about the quality of the optics. the seller had the scope sent to ES Reid and it came back with a Stamp of approval for the scope and the flattener (TSFLAT2) I then tested it only to find my stars where still out of shape. I then did some hard checking over my equipment and found I had some flexure. Once I sorted this the stars started to look much better but not pin point. and then I started to see why. Now can anyone tell me why my stars look like this? any help would be appreciated thanks.
  2. Thanks for the reply. It’s not too far from the focuser. Only about 100mm. I’ll take an image now and upload it straight away.
  3. Hi all. So I have played with my spacing and I think it’s where it should be. Attached is an image of M48 at 10s with the luminance filter. From what I can tell, all of my stars are moving in the same direction now. I can’t seam to work this out. Please help.
  4. Here is a screen grab of my guiding. It’s very good. Well below 1.1
  5. Hi all thanks for the replies. I don’t believe this to be a guide error my guiding is very good. My image scale is 1.1 as calculated in astronomy tool and I’m guiding at 0.19 so it doesn’t matter if my RA and DEC are different. I’ve been doing AP for some years so I know my software. For reference ES Reid isn’t a “company”, “he” is the best optical tester in the uk based in Cambridge anyone who knows will vouch for him. im going to continue with adding spacing and see what I end up with but because the centre is an odd shape this might be pointing towards the camera. I’m also going to replace my dovetail and try to get the scope centred to the dec because if I push on the camera end there is some give…..🤔
  6. I’m not sure where the diffraction spikes come from as I’m using a refractor. ES Reid stated that the most round stars are at 106mm so I’m not sure where to go with the spacing side of things.
  7. Hi sorry I’ve been away for a few days. I’ve attached an image that is 10s my back spacing is where it should be as mentioned but even if it wasn’t the centre is still wrong. I use a zwo 60mm guide scope with a zwo 120m, a zwo 183mm pro main camera and Optolong 7nm filters.
  8. Hi. I’m having an issue with my stars. They seam to be an odd shape. The scope is a TS optics 80mm triplet and I sent it off to ES Reid because of this issue. At first I thought it was pinched optics but Reid confirmed that the optics are in great condition and found that the best backspacing for this scope with my TS flat is 106mm. I have made my spacing 106 but the issue is still there. I have attached a photo of the centre of M34 which shows the odd shape. I polar align with sharp cap and my guiding is great at 0.19 tot. im not sure if it’s tilt or flexure. many help would be great. thanks.
  9. Thanks for the replies. I’ll check what version I’m using but it must be the most up to date as I only installed it about a month ago. Ill try the link later but I’m sure I tried last night and it didn’t work because Stellariumscope has been taken down... maybe not. I’ll check. Cheers
  10. Hi, does anyone know how to connect Stellarium to ASCOM without Stellariumscope? Stellariumscope doesn’t seam to exist anymore and I’m wondering how to connect the two together. When I go to connect stellarium to the telescope using “other software” option, I just get connecting for a long time but never connects. Is it even possible anymore? I’ve seen videos of people doing using APT but I don’t want to pay for that really. Many help would be useful. Cheers
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