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Stub Mandrel

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Posts posted by Stub Mandrel

  1. Across the web there are multiple solvent options for Sony sensors including acetone and MEK.

    The Canon ones are epoxy based and the most you can expect to achieve is softening of the matrix..


    After 102 pages is there any consensus on the safest approach to Canon debayering? I might have a go with my 1000D



  2. 16 hours ago, Startinez said:

    Any feedback would be appreciated.

    Great start!

    The yellow top and greeny blue bottom is caused by 'atmospheric dispersion' - the atmosphere acts like a prism when things are low down. You can get rid of this with an 'atmospheric dispersion corrector', unfortunately they are a bit pricey..

    • Like 1
  3. Why image the moon in Ha?

    Because my scope was set up and focused but it wasn't dark enough to start guiding reliably.

    I Used PIPP to isolate the red channel as a mono image from about 100 subs and stacked the best 70%.


    • Like 3
  4. 1 hour ago, alacant said:

    I de-mottled, but it loses its wow-ness.

    You are right. The colour layer I picked up from 2018 had patches where the nebula was balanced to grey, so any stretching just left them bleached out.

    I've had a second go, still going for 'impact' rather than tastefulness, but I colour balanced the RGN image better first:






    • Like 1
  5. 55 minutes ago, perdrix said:

    OK - Yes, you are right, you do need a file in Main Group, pick a totally unrelated image and make sure it isn't ticked. Or indeed put you master bias frame there.

    No you cannot add the same file to multiple groups.



    Interestingly, I've noticed that the new version is displaying faint RAW images much better. My Ha RAWS show a lot of red on the camera (presumably it does some scaling automatically) but in windows photo viewer and teh old DSS they only show stars and barely a trace of red.

    In the new DSS I can see the nebulosity clearly.

    Is this a change - or perhaps because I may have had auto white balance switched on?

    (Thanks for your patience!)

  6. 29 minutes ago, GlenM said:

    Don't use a new blade, use an old blade. Less clogging.





    Or use cutting oil or paraffin, really help on sticky aluminium alloys.

    • Like 2
  7. I'm struggling! Lots of errors that don't seem to be right - telling me I can't use more than one master flat or dark. I'll start again from scratch in case it's because I'm changing an old file list and note any issues as I go:

    First, you need a file in the main group before it will creates a second group - that's OK one bias file will do for all.

    Added lights to groups 1,2 & 3

    It won't let me put the same file into two groups (I want to use the same dark in more than one group).

    I've created a copy of my master flat.

    Decided to use the same dark across all groups.

    Right... stacking now.

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