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Dave grim

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Posts posted by Dave grim

  1. Hi guys 

    I'm after some help please I've just ordered a refurbished Lenovo T480 laptop with 32gb memory and 1tb ssd I'm planning on using it for processing images of deep sky . I haven't bought any Astro equipment yet so was after help really . I was thinking of ZWO AM5 mount , William Optics Zenithstar 81 , William optics guide scope , ZWO ASI 120mm guide camera , ZWO ASI533 colour camera and ASIair plus 256 gb to control everything , been reading lots of stuff on this and watching you tube vids was thinking of going this route as everything seems very easy to set up . Or do people think I should go down the mini pc route , I would want to upgrade scope and possibly mount in 3/4 years so very open to suggestions please 



  2. My eq6 mount has recently developed a problem with tracking and goto's with using eqmod so I phoned up Bernard at Modern Astronomy to ask what it could be, he suggested a few things so I had a look but nothing obvious then I tried again and had smoke coming out of the mount. I emailed Bernard to give him the info and he said he would contact the importers straight away , they said it was a motherboard problem, so Bernard has ordered one for them to send to me straight away . This was all done within 48 hrs , so I would just like to say Bernard is a great bloke and gets things sorted really quickly .


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