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Posts posted by JSeaman

  1. In case anyone else has to do this, my solution was this:

        Debayer to RGGB as a batch
        Batch format conversion to TIFF 16 bit

        Added and action for hue adjust and close

        Batch automation with supressed colour profile warnings to all TIFFS


        Join mode to create an AVI
        Input Options -> Colour Debayer -> Debayer monochrome frames (untick Debayer raw image files)

  2. Correct on both counts. Two batteries in series for double the voltage makes the winch operate much quicker. I use one of the 12V cells for the relays (Which are less tolerant of 24V but often work OK)

    The cheapo winches are a bit slow and very noisy, if you want to operate in the middle of the night then you could upgrade but if it can wait until daytime this works well

    • Like 1
  3. Hi Steve, just buy any normal winch and then make a divider on it. 

    Some pics of what I did ...

    Bought a winch



    Took the barrel out and drilled a second hole



    Made a divider (cut a circle with a slit, bent it open then put it on the barrel and bent it back, was going to weld it but it was a good fit


    Wound one rope one way and a second in the opposite direction then you have push and pull!

    • Like 2
  4. No, the coma corrector is only in the loop because I'm trying to minimise what I disturb to switch between my 1600 and the 224, I was hoping it wouldn't interfere and it doesn't seem to. The weird shapes are probably due to poor seeing and not much data. I was only pulling in a bout 2 FPS but I've fettled with the USB settings and dropped to 8 bit and it's now showing 20fps so I'll try again when it's clear

  5. It has been a couple of years since I have even tried planetary but for £165 I couldn't resist a 224MC. This was my first go with my 12" Newtonian with a Coma Corrector and 2xBarlow all in the chain and it worked OK. I need to get plate solving working with this set up next but I'm happy to have taken a picture at least. This is the best 40% (I started at 5%) of a 3 minute SER video of 0.02 second exposures



    • Like 8
  6. I went for U section steel and nylon casters (~£70), works well. 

    To automate it, I went for a winch (£60) and a few pulleys and some wire rope (~£25 for a large kit). I have the option of either a manual opening or Arduino to trigger the relays, it works something like this :



    To open, I flick my rotary switch and press the button to start. To close it, I do the opposite.


    Alternatively, driving the relay via a FET off an Arduino will do the same thing

    • Like 1
  7. No sorry 450mm guide scope and PHD2 not a StarAdventurer

    Good luck tonight, hopefully you can narrow things down further. The guide assistant is definitely a great place to start and will tell you what it finds, just ping up a screenshot

    I think the 20 minute drift will be interesting too

    You'd have to have some pretty sever imperfections. Try slewing the mount a long way on highest speed and see whether it is smooth

  8. I'd definitely be inclined to do the guide assistant, it can reveal a multitude of issues

    Pulse size change might make it react to the point it can catch it but there's an underlying issue to find

    Yes, 8000 is quite big but fair enough

    Cool, so if it's well balanced you will be able to nudge it around in RA and DEC and it will stay put - worth checking you can do that in a few places. Even the weight of cables can make a difference but the issue you have feels like something larger!

    Yes your focal length will be a factor but I was at <1" with 450mm 

    So does the motor start driving the scope when it runs away?

    I'd definitely be inclined to give it 20 minutes running by itself and see what happens. You can potentially do that when it's cloudy too as long as you can measure the movement somehow

    The star loss looks like a symptom, the mount moves so the star goes but the RA runaway happens first and the SNR of the star is good right up until then

  9. Have you run the guide assistant? Did you increase the pulse size?


    I can see massive spikes which the mount is recovering from then it fails at the end:



    Have you checked your balance in the orientation the scope is on this target? With clutches off does it stay in position?

    Guiding of +/- 5 arc seconds I wouldn't be able to image at all, that gives blobby stars for sure

    If you sit next to the mount when it goes wrong can you hear the motor driving?

    Have you tried leaving it without PHD to see if you get runaway?

  10. Thanks that's interesting, I have just spaced mine out a little further and will check that. From the first picture to the second was night and day so I'm assuming I have the lens correct now and, as you say, the other one doesn't matter. I'll try this tonight and see what happens!

  11. I got myself into a pickle last night! 

    The night before last I tried my new coma corrector (Baader 2" MPCC Mark III) and found I had lots of dust and marks in my image. I popped it apart, cleaned out all the dust and tested it last night. The first image I got was terrible:



    After a lot of back and forth I ended up inverting the second element of the coma corrector and that seemed to improve things:




    All four corners have the same issue though, coma with the tail pointing towards the centre of the image (this is the bottom left)


    I double checked my spacing this morning and think I have a correct 55mm: 



    So this morning I downloaded CCDInspector, a tool I don't fully understand, and produced this graph which may or may not be ok?!



    I found the following image which shows what the FOV is like when the coma corrector is too close:


    So I'm looking for a little guidance, should I just start increasing the spacing and trying my luck? I will check collimation again in a mo but I think that's OK. The focuser (stock 300PDS) doesn't appear to be sagging so I'm not entirely sure where to go next, thoughts welcomed!



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