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Status Updates posted by Gan

  1. Hi Guys

    Finally got my ASI 071! I need some help/guidance please regarding switching from DSLR to CMOS astrophotography.

    1. SOFTWARE:

    As I am completely new to CCD/CMOS astrophotography, please could someone suggest best software to take few nice images of DSO. I am not aware if there are any standalone imaging software ( like Backyard EOS for Canon DSLR).

    I am familiar with sequencing software like APT, SGPro and NINA etc. These are very nice programmes but I feel their main concentration is on  the whole sequence set up rather than just imaging side of it. I will perhaps get to grips with these eventually. But in the meantime if I want to just experiment with the new camera ( ASI 071) and understand the camera better, is there any software that does just that?


    What are the ideal settings for the CMOS cameras for DSO imaging. For instance in DSLR imaging your parameters are

          i. exposure duration  ( either long exposure with guidance e.g. 180 sec or more or shorter exposure with lot more images to be stacked in post-processing

          ii. ISO : 3200 or 6400 or even higher etc.

    Help and guidance please. Much appreciated in anticipation



    My Gear: Edge HD8, NEQ6 Pro, QHY5L II for guiding, Celestron focuser

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Gan


      I tried Sharpcap (Pro) and its good. I liked the Polar alignment very much.

      But somehow I was unable to use the Livestacking feature. Not getting any stacks at all. My camera  is ZWO ASI 071 MC Pro in addition to the kit I mentioned above. Not sure what's going wrong. I would appreciate some pointers please.



    3. Rocket Stars

      Rocket Stars

      Hm. Mine is working flawless. 

      Try to put in a help question in support forum. You can find it under support, on sharpcap website. U might also find someone already asked the same question. 

      Robin, the author, usally respond in the evenings. 

    4. Gan


      Will do. Thanks a lot

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