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Posts posted by xs2man

  1. That, I think, was the problem I had the other night (I have only had one clear night since getting my NEQ6 and 130 pds), but looking at the scope in the daylight, with an actual thinking cap on, I see I was using a "spacer" the whole time.  D'oh.  Waiting on a clear night so I can go out and see if I can manage to focus without the barlow.

    As JR said above, the Barlow doesn't allow me to frame the moon properly, hence the following shot : 


  2. I'm having a similar issue with my SW 130p-ds.  I struggle to get my DSLR to focus.  I did get it to focus with a x2 Barlow though (I have 2, a revelation one, and the deluxe Skywatcher one from 365 Astronomy that has the direct threading to the T-ring http://www.365astronomy.com/SkyWatcher-2x-De-Luxe-Achromatic-Barlow-Lens-with-T-Adapter.html).  I could only achieve focus with the Barlow in the chain when imaging the moon.

    I also bought the revelation projection eyepiece adaptor, but couldn't get that to focus either.  I really need to have a closer look to see if I need to add a spacer, or see if I already had one in.  It's all pretty new to me.

  3. I also like the forum, and am not so much a fan of the lack of editing.  As a former mod on another forum though, I can see why it is done.  Although, if a post is edited before a mod sees it, then surely the self-editing is a good thing?  At least it means that posters are realising their mistakes and redacting it themselves.   Although I realise the mods cannot then give out warnings for offending posts, based on the word of another member.  However, if another member is so offended by a statement, they could quote the post for evidence, the OP cannot then edit another persons post.

    My reason for liking to edit is that I often hit the "Post" button prematurely, and often miss out pertinent information, which I can usually go edit the post and add the info.  On the other hand, adding in an extra post has allowed me to reach the required 50 post count to view the classifieds a little earlier, so it's not all bad news.

    jfrs, I feel your pain.  My spelling can often be terrible too.  I use google chrome as my browser though, with it's built-in spell checker, and if I make a mistake, it is highlighted (underlined in red), and easily rectified with a right-click on the mouse button and selecting what I had meant to write.  I'm sure most web browsers have this feature, whether it is disabled or not I wouldn't know.

    50 posts might be a bit high to be able to see the classifieds IMO.  25 seems more reasonable to me.  I'm guessing it is to prevent spam posts in the classifieds, but it just encourages it elsewhere in the forum, as evidenced above me.  And to have this rule, coupled with the lounge posts not counting towards post count, means the spam is in relatively more important parts of the forum.

    Beyond that, the website seems fine.  And the information, both already on, or offered in help, appears to be first rate.

  4. what are the eyepieces, makes it hard to tell when all you can see is the lens cap  :grin:

    Ha ha.  Yes.  And here was me thinking a picture tells a thousand words...

    Revelation pieces :
    Plossl 9mm
    Plossl 12mm
    Plossl 15mm
    Plossl 20mm
    Plossl 32mm (projection / visual)
    Barlow X2
    T adaptor 1.25"
    ND96 Moon Filter
    #11 Yellow Green
    #25A Red 
    #47 Violet 
    #82A Light Blue
    Celestron pieces (Came with the 114EQ scope, so not the best) :
    10mm EP
    20mm EP
    Also have a Skywatcher Deluxe 2X Barlow.
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