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Everything posted by CentaurZ

  1. Asteroid 1 Ceres (dwarf planet) will appear within Sagittarius in direct opposition to the Sun on 2024 JUL 05 at magnitude +7.3. Ceres is the largest main belt asteroid with a mean diameter of 845 km. In 1801 it was the first asteroid ever discovered. During the night of 2024 JUN 22-23, Ceres will be occulted (covered) by the waning gibbous Moon for observers in much of North America. Photos and descriptions of this asteroid would be welcome additions to this thread.
  2. It’s nearly time for my monthly New Moon spotting challenge. I use the term New Moon in its classical sense of one’s first sighting of the Moon after its monthly solar conjunction (Dark Moon). Sharp-eyed observers might attempt to spot the less than one-day-old Moon after sunset on Thursday, June 6th. Others should have better luck the following evening, especially those of you on the east side of the "pond". This is a fine time of the year for spotting an especially young Moon, particularly while the Moon is north of the ecliptic. This may present an opportunity to set an impressive personal record. Photos and descriptions of the young crescent Moon would be welcome additions to this thread.
  3. The magnificently ringed planet Saturn is currently undergoing a series of twelve monthly lunar occultations beginning this past April and ending next February. As always, each occultation will only be observable in a specifically determined region. Two will be observable from Western Europe including the British Isles: predawn 2024 AUG 21 and early evening 2025 JAN 04. One will be observable from western North America: predawn 2024 SEP 17. One will be observable from southern Florida USA: evening 2024 NOV 10. During the weeks prior to those four events, I’ll provide more details in the forum for Observing-Lunar.
  4. A Full Moon will occult (cover) magnitude +0.9 Antares during the night of 2024 MAY 23-24 for observers in eastern portions of the Americas and west-central Africa. Lucky observers on a graze path can witness the star passing through lunar hills and valleys. Those between the two graze paths will see a full occultation. Photos and descriptions of the occultation would be welcome additions to this thread. If you would like specific occultation or graze predictions for your location, please reply to this post with your longitude, latitude, elevation and time zone.
  5. A waxing gibbous Moon will occult (cover) magnitude +3.6 Beta Virginis during the night of 2024 MAY 17-18 for observers in almost all of North America except for portions of the far west coast. The immersion will occur on the lunar dark limb, with emersion from the bright limb. Lucky observers on the only graze path can witness the star passing through lunar hills and valleys. Those north the graze path will see a full occultation. Photos and descriptions of the occultation would be welcome additions to this thread. If you would like specific occultation or graze predictions for your location, please reply to this post with your longitude, latitude, elevation and time zone.
  6. It’s nearly time for my monthly New Moon spotting challenge. I use the term New Moon in its classical sense of one’s first sighting of the Moon after its monthly solar conjunction (Dark Moon). Sharp-eyed observers might attempt to spot the one-day-old Moon after sunset on Wednesday, May 8th. Others should have better luck the following evening. Spring is a fine season for spotting an especially young Moon, particularly this spring with the Moon north of the ecliptic. This may present an opportunity to set an impressive personal record. Photos and descriptions of the young crescent Moon would be welcome additions to this thread.
  7. Asteroid 2 Pallas will appear within Hercules in direct opposition to the Sun on 2024 MAY 17 at magnitude +9.0. Pallas has a high orbital inclination and eccentricity, with a mean diameter of 512 km. It was discovered in 1802. Photos and descriptions of this asteroid would be welcome additions to this thread.
  8. The annual Eta Aquariid Meteor Shower is already underway. It is expected to peak during the night of 2024 MAY 05-06, but for as many as three nights on either side the rate should be near the peak. Its radiant is in the constellation Aquarius. That is the direction toward which the meteor tails point, but the meteors are equally likely to appear anywhere in your sky. The Eta Aquariids are debris from the famous Comet Halley. The Eta Aquariids usually produce about sixty meteors per hour for sharp eyed observers in the southern hemisphere. Expectations are somewhat lessened for northern hemisphere observers due to Aquarius being a southern constellation. The show begins after midnight when Aquarius rises. It will continue through morning twilight. The waning crescent Moon during the peak this year should not present much interference. Descriptions of the shower or perhaps even lucky photos would be welcome additions to this thread.
  9. The annual Lyrid Meteor Shower should already be underway. It is expected to peak during the night of 2024 APR 21-22. Its radiant is in the vicinity of the constellations Lyra and Hercules near the bright star Vega. That is the direction toward which the meteor tails point, but the meteors are equally likely to appear anywhere in your sky. The Lyrids are debris from the long period Comet C/1861 G1 Thatcher. The Lyrids typically present about 5 to 20 meteors per hour for sharp eyed observers, although this has varied considerably with 700 per hour seen in 1803. The show begins after Lyra rises, which is in the early evening for mid-latitude northern hemisphere observers, but much later in the southern hemisphere. It will continue through morning twilight. During the shower’s peak, the waxing gibbous Moon may present some interference in the evening but less so before dawn. Descriptions of the shower or perhaps even lucky photos would be welcome additions to this thread.
  10. Asteroid 6 Hebe will appear within Virgo in ecliptical opposition to the Sun on 2024 APR 22 at magnitude +9.8. Hebe is a very dense asteroid with a mean diameter of 186 km. It was discovered in 1847. Photos and descriptions of this asteroid would be welcome additions to this thread.
  11. The Lunar X may be seen by telescopic observers in the Americas and perhaps briefly in far Western Europe during the night of 2024 APR 15-16 for an approximately four-hour period centered on 00:11 CDT (05:11 UT). The X should appear as the Sun rises on the clustered rims of the craters Blanchinus, La Caille and Purbach, while a waxing Half Moon graces the sky. This is something to check-off from your astronomical “to-do” list. Photos and descriptions of the Lunar X would be welcome additions to this thread.
  12. I'm waiting to hear from my brother who traveled from Chicago to Indianapolis to witness the Total Solar Eclipse. From my location in Florida, 61% of the Sun's diameter was covered by the Moon. Below are my computer-generated image and a projection through a slit in my venitian blinds:
  13. David, half of the time the Moon is above your horizon. The other half of the time it is not. Nights that you see the Moon can be memorable. That's particularly true for a Full Moon, which is visible all night. Nights that that you do not see the Moon may be easily forgotten. A waning crescent Moon rises after midnight. A waxing crescent Moon sets before midnight.
  14. It’s nearly time for my monthly New Moon spotting challenge. I use the term New Moon in its classical sense of one’s first sighting of the Moon after its monthly solar conjunction (Dark Moon). Sharp-eyed observers might attempt to spot the more than one-day-old Moon after sunset on Tuesday, April 9th, others should have better luck the following evening. April is a fine month for spotting an especially young Moon. This may present an opportunity to set an impressive personal record. Sorry, but viewing the solar eclipse won't count. Photos and descriptions of the young crescent Moon would be welcome additions to this thread.
  15. A solar eclipse will be visible on Monday 2024 APR 08 throughout almost all of North America and essentially nowhere else. The eclipse will be total within an approximately 185 km (115 mi) wide band that crosses through Durango, Austin, Dallas, Little Rock, Carbondale, Indianapolis, Toledo, Cleveland, Akron, Buffalo, Rochester, Montpelier and Montreal. Outside that band the eclipse will at best be partial for North American observers. Even for observers in the band of totality, the eclipse will be partial before and after totality. Do not observe the partial phases of the eclipse without proper protective eyewear. Ordinary sunglasses are not nearly good enough. Photos and descriptions of the eclipse would be welcome additions to this thread. Below is my chart for the view from Indianapolis at the time the eclipse is total there.
  16. A Penumbral Lunar Eclipse will occur during the night of 2024 MAR 24-25. All of it for observers in the Americas, and a portion for those in Europe. This will be a deep penumbral, implying that at mid-eclipse a slight darkening should be visible in a portion of the limb. Below is my preview graphic for the upcoming eclipse as seen against an imaginary blue wall to make the shadow fully apparent. The predicted event timings are in CDT (UT-5), but will occur at essentially the same real time for all observers experiencing nighttime if adjusted for time zones. The depicted orientation and Moon altitudes are for an observer in Chicagoland. Photos and descriptions of the eclipse would be welcome additions to this thread.
  17. Elusive Mercury has commenced its apparition in the western sky after sunset following its superior conjunction behind the Sun on 2024 FEB 28. This is the most favorable Mercury apparition of 2024 for observers north of the tropics. Photos and descriptions of Mercury during this apparition would be welcome additions to this thread.
  18. It’s nearly time for my monthly New Moon spotting challenge. I use the term New Moon in its classical sense of one’s first sighting of the Moon after its monthly solar conjunction (Dark Moon). Sharp-eyed observers might attempt to spot the less than one-day-old Moon after sunset on Sunday, March 10th. Others should have better luck the following evening. March is the best month for spotting an especially young Moon. This may present an opportunity to set an impressive personal record. Photos and descriptions of the young crescent Moon would be welcome additions to this thread.
  19. Asteroid 3 Juno will appear within Leo in ecliptical opposition to the Sun on 2024 MAR 03 at magnitude +8.5. Photos and descriptions of this asteroid would be welcome additions to this thread.
  20. A Waning Half Moon will occult (cover) magnitude +0.9 Antares in Scorpius during the post-midnight hours of 2024 MAR 03 for observers in eastern North America and northern South America. The immersion will occur on the lunar bright limb, with emersion from the dark limb. Lucky observers on one of the graze paths can witness the star passing through lunar hills and valleys. Those between the paths will see a full occultation. For observers at Chicago’s Adler Planetarium, the emersion will occur at 01:21:30 CST while the Moon has begun rising over Lake Michigan. The immersion at 01:45:46 CST will occur with Antares 3.8˚ above the horizon. Photos and descriptions of the occultations would be welcome additions to this thread. If you would like specific occultation or graze predictions for your location, please reply to this post with your longitude, latitude, elevation and time zone.
  21. The Lunar X may be seen by telescopic observers in the Americas and Western Europe during the night of 2024 FEB 16-17 for an approximately four-hour period centered on 19:19 CST (01:19 UT). The X should appear as the Sun rises on the clustered rims of the craters Blanchinus, La Caille and Purbach, while a waxing Half Moon graces the sky. This is something to check-off from your astronomical “to-do” list. Photos and descriptions of the Lunar X would be welcome additions to this thread.
  22. It’s nearly time for my monthly New Moon spotting challenge. I use the term New Moon in its classical sense of one’s first sighting of the Moon after its monthly solar conjunction (Dark Moon). Sharp-eyed observers might attempt to spot the one-day-old Moon after sunset on Saturday, February 10th. Others should have better luck the following evening. Photos and descriptions of the young crescent Moon would be welcome additions to this thread.
  23. It’s nearly time for my monthly New Moon spotting challenge. I use the term New Moon in its classical sense of one’s first sighting of the Moon after its monthly solar conjunction (Dark Moon). Sharp-eyed observers might attempt to spot the over one-day-old Moon after sunset on Friday, January 12th. Others should have better luck the following evening. Photos and descriptions of the young crescent Moon would be welcome additions to this thread.
  24. A waning crescent Moon will occult (cover) magnitude +2.9 Sigma Scorpii and +0.9 Antares during the predawn hours of 2024 JAN 08. The former will be for observers in the eastern USA and the latter for observers in the southwestern USA. The immersions will occur on the lunar bright limb, with emersions from the dark limb. Lucky observers on one of the graze paths can witness the star passing through lunar hills and valleys. Those between the paths will see a full occultation. Photos and descriptions of the occultations would be welcome additions to this thread. If you would like specific occultation or graze predictions for your location, please reply to this post with your longitude, latitude, elevation and time zone.
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