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Posts posted by badger111

  1. Thanks for all your help. I've been hitting the "books" over the last few days and spending far too much time setting my system up (when I should've be working). I've enjoyed every minute of it!

    The issues I had with my antenna were "height off the ground", and, after mounting it in the loft, everything started to work great!! (I'll have to get hold of a decent ladder and bolt it to the tv mast on my roof when I get a mo).

    I've also managed to setup Spectrum lab and Colorgramme. I've tweaked the scrip in Spectrum lab to produce the Colorgramme format log file for a live feed from Spectrum lab to Colorgramme  and ftp'd on to the rmob.org website.

    What a totally fascinating area this is. Many years ago, I used to create and install RFID software and systems which included manufacturing high frequency antennas (in fact, I dug some of old kit out of the garage to make my Yagi) , so this really appeals! - I'm looking forward to many many hours/days/months pouring over books (especially researching chirp sounding) and making up interesting antennae and the like :)

  2. I'm attempting to build my first meteor detector and need some help with setting up Spectrum lab.

    I bought a Keedox RTL2832U+R820T receiver and have set it up as per the instructions on this post http://stargazerslounge.com/topic/220150-new-to-meteor-detecting/?p=2380107 (many thanks).

    I've managed to get it working using HDSDR. Now I'd like to setup Spectrum Lab as it seems to be the popular choice and so I can compare my results against other detectors. I've just had a look at the settings in Spectrum Lab and though I'd start here rather then hacking random settings in and hoping to get it right.

    Does anyone have a list of settings I should set (similar to the above post)?

    Many thanks


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