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Posts posted by epaddict

  1. I've spent a lot of my summer nights hoping to spot this (whatever) again to no avail. I've seen ISS and smaller satelites a thousand times since and payed close attention to them all. What I have seen three times appears to be the ISS at about 3-4 times the speed...I'm left with a mystery but I'm almost certain that this was not a conventional aircraft. I purposefully paid close attention to everything in the last few months even zooming in with my telescope on several different aircraft. I have yet to find anything even close to what my wife and I observed. I guess I'll never know but it was kind of fun trying to figure it out.

  2. I don't know what to think of this anymore, I was out tonight ready to capture it on video but all I saw was the normal air traffic. This object almost has to be outside our atmosphere or it "would" leave one heck of a sonic boom. This has been near commercial air traffic lanes and near the local airport all three times I've seen it but it has no anti-collision lights. No red no green no strobes, if it were anywhere close in altitude it would have these lights. It kind of freaks me out when I think how big ISS is; this appears every bit as big or bigger...so if it "is" reflective light?!?!?! My wife and I spent a good amount of time talking it over the first night we encountered it and we're still puzzled. She is much more analytic than I am and we've had more than our share of disagreements (after having been married for almost 40 years) but this is something were both completely together on. We will probably never know what it is that we've witnessed but it's caused us to be even more appreciative of our awesome night sky.

  3. A person just a few miles from where I live has also reported this object and like "me" he's an avid sky watcher for many years, he described it exactly as I did. If I thought for a minute that this was an airplane I wouldn't have even mentioned it. I've observed aircraft at night my entire life and this (I would bet my life on it) is not an airplane. I've seen planes coming up from LA that are extremely bright when their lights are aimed at me but this craft is as bright as Jupiter as it fly's "overhead". I have never observed a plane with one large steady light on it's underside with no other lights anywhere else. If this were a jet aircraft (and it would have to be at this speed) it would have to be at a relatively low altitude for it to be so bright but there is no engine noise...it's totally silent. I have no idea what this is but I'm pretty sure of what it's not...! I believe people are often misidentifying things in the night sky because things happen so quickly and most aren't well versed in routine night sky objects.  After seeing this three times I've been able to record a steady and accurate description each time I've seen it. I know it's not a natural phenomenon and I have never bought into nuts and bolts alien spacecraft thing so I'm leaning very heavily toward some sort of new secretive technology. I'm going to keep trying to film it but so far it's eluded me when I'm out with the scopes set up. Two of the encounters have occurred as I was stepping out to my shop and I wouldn't even have time to get the camera out of the bag and of course when I "do" have it set up and ready to go...nothing! I doubt getting video would avail much anyway, unless I could zoom in as it went over at dusk. I would most likely just have another video of a light in the sky that proves nothing. I am glad to see that some others are reporting this on the forum as well...maybe more sightings will help shed light on what this could really be!

  4. I've seen this again night before last in almost the same orbit as the last! My curiosity is really peaked now. This has every appearance of ISS but I know it isn't because I have the program and watch ISS every time it passes, also the speed that this object travels. This thing goes from horizon to horizon in about 2 - 2 1/2 minutes. I'm hoping others have seen it and have some idea's! :shocked:

  5. My aim is to be set up and try to get a shot of it with my dob, I've seen some pretty good detail  on the ISS but as fast as this is...it will be a challenge to say the least. I just love the technology today...being able to not only see which satellite is going over but the get alerts as to when they're coming...is just awesome! I love tracking satellites almost as much as peeping through my scopes.

  6. That's what blows my mind! This had every appearance of a man made satellite, it must have been reflective light as there were no artificial colors or strobes. This thing went so fast...it had have been traveling at least 40,000-50,000 mph. I'm certainly no expert on satellites but I've been a satellite tracker for years and this was just so bizarre! It's strange too because I saw it twice, it was in a different orbit but very close to the same time at night. My curiosity is really peaked on this one.

  7. I was wondering if anyone else has spotted the object my wife and others have seen recently. What appeared to be ISS (I get the alerts and rarely miss them when they fly over) but I knew it wasn't because there were no scheduled passes for a week in our area. Also...it was fast, I mean at least 4x faster than ISS. My wife and I saw it the first time on the night of the 7th of July and two nights later I saw it again just myself at almot the same time approx. 2200. I noticed it was reported by a man nearby where we Iive, he reported it exactly as we saw it. It has the same range of magnitude as ISS and it's definitely reflective light, it's altitude appeared lower than ISS however...this thing went from horizon to horizon in about a minute! Has anyone else seen this? Do we have some new satellites that can move like this? My wife and I were amazed at this object...it's the first time in about forty years of sky watching that I've seen an anomaly like this. I love tracking satellites but this one really blew my mind.

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