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Status Updates posted by kalasinman

  1. D5100 back from Baader mod, Pentax 200mm 67 too!

    1. xtreemchaos


      cooking with gas now mate...

  2. Cloudy for months, can't be the UK at 34c...;-)

    1. xtreemchaos


      not here mate,it felt like winter here yesterday"without the dark skys",todays a bit better

  3. Cloudy for months, can't be the UK at 34c...;-)

  4. First night of guiding rms under 2"....

  5. Moved the mirror up 15mm, guide rig fits. Guiding soon?

  6. New scope arrived and on the mount. Excited!

    1. frostynixon


      Hey, i`m glad for you! I hope you will soon have opportunity to try it out. What scope did you buy?

    2. kalasinman


      I bought the GSO 150mm aperture reflector, and an OAG rig.

  7. Everything has arrived..except the GSO

  8. QHY5L-II arrives....now for someplace to mount it...

  9. A real telescope! Can't wait.

  10. Love my ZEQ25GT . A new world has opened.

  11. Ordered EQ mount today! September is going to be fun.

  12. Cassius: "The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars, But in ourselves, that we are underlings." Julius Caesar (I, ii, 140-141)

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